The simulator uses ROS Melodic and Gazebo 9. For instructions on installing all necessary dependencies, please follow the readme in the PX4 Avoidance repository.
Complete the instructions until you reach the step to run local planner with the following command.
roslaunch local_planner local_planner_depth-camera.launch
Upon execution, if you are able to see an RViz window display the drone and its pointcloud, you have successfully installed all necessary dependencies.
This repository contains the Trial 1 and Trial 2 worlds that solutions will be tested in.
Begin by cloning this repository onto your machine. Once it is downloaded, follow these steps to begin the simulation:
Step 1: From the trial_1_setup
and trial_2_setup
directory, build the plugin
cd build
cmake ../
cd ..
Step 2: Update the Gazebo plugin path so that the current path is included. Run this command from the build directory.
echo "export GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH=`pwd`:$GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Step 3: Update the Gazebo model path so that the models can be loaded properly.
cd ~/the_repository_path
echo "export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:$(pwd)/trial_1_setup:$(pwd)/trial_2_setup" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Step 4: Run the world using Gazebo
cd ~uavcc-simulator/trial_1_setup
roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch world_name:=$(pwd)/
To run the Trial 2 world, follow the same instructions for Trial 1 with the trial_2_setup directory.
This simuator was tested on Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic.
This occurs when the GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH is incorrect. Ensure step 2 is run each time you run the program in a new terminal. The line in step 2 may be added to ~/.bashrc
to be run automatically each time a new terminal is opened.