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Extract information and classify it from GenBank for a list of species, using Entrez API


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This script allow extract information different than sequences from genbank for a list of species and classify the information based on the metadata found in each accession. In this version is preconfigured to extract titles of papers where the sequences were used.


To run the script a copy of AutoIt 3 need to be installed in the computer, please check the link to download and install the software needed (AutoIt Full Installation is recommended).

Note: Currently this script only works in Windows operative system, probably (if required) in future developments the script will be translate to a crossplatform language to run it in other operative systems.

Download script

You can download the script from: (Right click and Save as...) Save the script in the same folder of your list.


Prepare data file
Configure the script
Run script in extraction mode
Run script in metasearch mode

Prepare data file

You need a file with a list of species. The file is a simple text file and must be located in the same folder with the script. The content of the file looks like:


No heading, one species per line and genus and epithet separated by a +.

Configure the script (to perform a search in the paper titles only)

1. Open the script with SciTE script editor (provided by AutoIt software).

2. Modify the following lines to be sure that the name of your file (with the list of species) are correct.

;Input and output files
$oFileSp = "NAMEOFYOURFILEHERE.txt" ;<== File name (file formated Genus+species one species per line)
$fResultFile = "RESULTFILE.csv" ;<== Define output file name

For example:

;Input and output files
$oFileSp = "listofSpeciesMex.txt" ;<== File name (file formated Genus+species one species per line)
$fResultFile = "Results2019.csv" ;<== Define output file name

3. Configure the keywords

3.a. Define the titles for your columns (in the result file), modifying each name based on your interests:

Modify the following block:

;Create punctual.searches
Local $aS[6] ; <== Define number searches, this number is independent to the $aE[Number]
$aS[0] = "Phylogenetic studies"
$aS[1] = "Phylogeographic studies"
$aS[2] = "Phylogenomics studies"
$aS[3] = "Barcoding studies"
$aS[4] = "Diversity studies"
$aS[5] = "Biogeography studies"

In $aS[0] = "Phylogenetic studies" you can modify to Conservation studies resulting in a line like this: $aS[0] = "Conservation studies"

You can put the number of categories that you want, in this example there are 6 different searches (note that the counter start in 0). If you want add or delete some searches, you need to modify the first line from: Local $aS[6] ; to Local $aS[3] ; . This parameter inform to the script that you have three searches.

For example:

;Create punctual.searches
Local $aS[2] ; <== Define number searches, this number is independent to the $aE[Number]
$aS[0] = "Conservation studies"
$aS[1] = "Etnobotany studies"
3.b. Configure the patterns of your searches.

Modify the following block:

;Create Regex patterns to search for each punctual.searches, please see regex documentation in:
Local $aRegex[6] ; <== Same as punctual.searches AND IN THE SAME ORDER!
$aRegex[0] = "(?i)phylogen|filogen|monop|monof|systemat|relationsh|sistemat|relacio"
$aRegex[1] = "(?i)filogeog|phylogeog"
$aRegex[2] = "(?i)phylogenom|genome-scale|plastid genome|filogenóm"
$aRegex[3] = "(?i)barcod|barra"
$aRegex[4] = "(?i)genetic diversity|diversidad genética|population genetic|genética pobla|genética de pobla"
$aRegex[5] = "(?i)biogeog"

This can be a tricky part, you need to think in some keywords or fragments of keywords that match with your search. For example the line: $aRegex[0] = "(?i)phylogen|filogen|monop|monof|systemat|relationsh|sistemat|relacio" will search a title like: "Molecular phylogenetic analysis of uniovulate Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbiaceae sensu stricto) using plastid rbcL and trnL‐F DNA sequences". But will ignore titles like: "Synopsis of the genera and suprageneric taxa of Euphorbiaceae".

Do not modify the first part of the line (?i) unless you know what are you doing.

You can include multiple keywords in your search using | like separator, as shown in the example. Also you can only leave one keyword.

Note: Be sure that the number after $aRegex[ is the same that the number of your keyword title (configure in the step 3.a).

For example:

;Create Regex patterns to search for each punctual.searches, please see regex documentation in:
Local $aRegex[2] ; <== Same as punctual.searches AND IN THE SAME ORDER!
$aRegex[0] = "(?i)conserv"
$aRegex[1] = "(?i)etnobot|ethnobot"

With this the script will search any title with the words Etnobotánica (in Spanish) and Ethnobotany (in English), also any titles that include conservation or conservación. Be sure that you select your keywords properly to avoid false positives. If you search only "Etno" you can get titles like etnozoología.

Run script in extraction mode

The first step is run to extract the information from Genbank, for that you must be sure that the switch $doExtraction = True;. Be sure also that the next line or switch is $doMetasearch = False ;

For example:

; Switches
$doExtraction = True;<== Switch to True to do the extraction of genbank. False when extraction is finished.
$doMetasearch = False ;<== Switch to True to do the meta search, only when the entire extraction is completed. False when extraction is in progress.

The previous instruction will do the extraction but not the metasearch (you can do the metasearch when the extraction mode is finished.

To run the code from SciTE Editor go to the menu "Tools" > "Go", or simple press F5 key. You can see in the Output console (small box in the bottom of the screen the progress). While the extraction is runing you can minimize the window. If the window is closed the script will stopped, if you want to continue just open the file again with SciTE Editor and run it again (F5).

The script will generate a continue.txt file (do not delete it), in case that the script halt (no internet, rejection from GenBank server, or some other problem) this file allow the script continue without loss all previous searches. Remember that the search can be slow cause Genbank policies.

Run script in metasearch mode

When the extraction is fully completed just turn True the $doMetasearch = True ; and $doExtraction = False; and run the script.

For example:

; Switches
$doExtraction = False;<== Switch to True to do the extraction of genbank. False when extraction is finished.
$doMetasearch = True ;<== Switch to True to do the meta search, only when the entire extraction is completed. False when extraction is in progress.

This step is faster and the results will be saved in Metasearch_in_RESULTFILE.csv in the same folder of your species list file and results file.

To run the code, in SciTE Editor, go to the menu "Tools" > "Go", or simple press F5 key.

Configure the script in advance mode

You can extract the metadata that you want with the script, for example: institution, authors, journal, depends of your interests, for that some changes need to be added in the script. For that follow the commentaries in the script to modify the type of information that you want to extract. Also you would need some information about the XML structure from ENTREZ API ( For advance Regex searches you can follow the official documentation:

If you have and API-key you can use it to speed up the extraction. To do it in ADVANCE USER AREA you can declare your API-key:

;Define your personal API-key to increase the number of requests per second to Genbank. Put your API-key in between quotations.
;For more information create and NCBI account and generate an API-key here
$api_key = "PUT_HERE_YOUR_KEY"


Extract information and classify it from GenBank for a list of species, using Entrez API







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