Custom Activity Timeline that allows multiple standard and custom objects, editing, and displaying of related fields on date, subject and description.
(Activity Timeline on Account. Show related Opportunities by CloseDate, related Contacts by CreatedDate, and related Cases by ClosedDate with a custom icon)
- Transferring to development org
- Added Icon feature that allows customization of an objects icons in a list. Useful when displaying an object that doesn't have a tab (such as an objects Field History)
- Fixed Bug causing error when a Design field was left empty, even if it wasn't required
- Fixed Bug causing no objects to be rendered if no activity existed for one of the objects
- Fixed Subject overflow bug
- Fixed runtime bug that sometimes caused one of the objects to not display
- Added ability where spaces in the design fields doesn't prevent the component from working
Fixed bug with date sorting when referencing a date field on a related object. Added more thorough testing for the apex class as well as execption catching to allow rendering of the component if there is query exception the backend (in the case of an invalid field). Added customizable icons.