FVM Actor to enable FIL transfers requiring active acceptance by the receiving party.
This project is primarily to test and become more familiar with the Filecoin FVM SDK.
github.com/raulk/fil-hello-world-actor was the main example project used for reference in addition to the SDK documentation.
Docker image from github.com/jimpick/lotus-fvm-localnet is used for running a local FVM-enabled Filecoin testnet.
WIP: Some functions of this actor aren't working yet: see TODOs in code.
Either install nix and enter development environment with nix develop
or install rustup, make, and just. docker is also required for running the local testnet.
Build WASM Actor for deployment
make release
Enter interactive shell of docker container that will run testnet
just shell
Run Filecoin node on local testnet (from new terminal)
just run-node
Run Filecoin miner on local testnet (from new terminal)
just run-miner
Monitor block creation on testnet (from new terminal)
just monitor-chain
Deploy actor code to chain
./safe_send.sh install_actor artifacts/safe_send_fil.wasm
Instantiate an instance of actor
./safe_send.sh create_actor $(cat .actor_code_cid)
Create a transfer -- Method 2
./safe_send.sh invoke_actor \
$(cat .actor_id) \
2 \
$(echo \
"{\"hold_time\":300,\"amount\":10,\"destination\":\"abc\"}" \
| base64 \
Fund safe-send transfer
lotus send $(cat .actor_id) 10
List transfers -- Method 4
./safe_send.sh invoke_actor $(cat .actor_id) 4
Accept tranfser from safe-send actor -- Method 3
./safe_send.sh invoke_actor $(cat .actor_id) 3