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Versioning and changes are commited to a single access point (that YOU own!)
-------- ---------- update ---------------
| Main | ----> | Roy | <---------> | System A |
| Repo | <---- | Server | commit | (client) |
-------- ---------- ---------------
Roy should be intuitive.
Complex commands to augment your working tree result in extra overhead during the development process.
A typical Roy workflow can be visualized as follows
---------- ---------- ----------
| Make | ----> | Stage | ----> | Sync |
| Change | | Change | | Change |
---------- ---------- ----------
Change in Update Cache Update master
current working
Roy adheres to a simple directory structure. Built to be extendable with backup systems if so desired.
|-- .roy
| |
| |-- master/ # master volume
| |-- headref/ # most recent version
| |-- cache/ # local staged changes
| |-- commits/ # directory states, based on commit ID
| |-- changelog # changelog for each commit made
|-- .royconfig # user and project configuration
|-- .royignore # file blacklist, directory level
Roy keeps track of changes made on disk. By default this is within the projects directory.
Roy can be configured to have versioning exist outside of the project.
$ ./activate.sh # activate virtual environment for build
$ ./build.sh # build - roy found in dist/, will refactor for install on system
usage: roy [-h | --help] <command> [<args>]
start a VCS
setup Setup directory for version control system
edit config
config Edit the config file
show changes
diff Shows changes between current working directory and master volume
stage changes
stage <filename> Stage changes to cache
clear cache
clear Clears staged changes/cache volume
sync changes
sync <commit-msg> Sync changes to master
view changelog
log View changelog of commits
checkout a commit
checkout <commit-id> Switch to a commit
$ roy setup
$ touch README && echo "readme" > ./README
$ roy stage README
$ roy sync "first commit"
$ roy log # view changelog containing the first commit