The client side of simplified messaging.
See also @cameronwp/server-endpoint. Testing happens in @cameronwp/server-endpoint.
npm i -S @cameronwp/client-endpoint
All examples assume that on{message,request} handlers were set before any {message,request} were sent.
// server.js
const ServerEndpoint = require('@cameronwp/server-endpoint');
const port = 8000;
const server = new ServerEndpoint(port);
const namespace = server.createNamespace('chat'); // create as many namespaces as you want
// example server -> client push
namespace.pushMessage('new-message', 'lorem ipsum...');
// example client -> server post
namespace.onmessage('config-change', val => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(val)); // logs "{config: 'object'}"
// example server response to a request
namespace.onrequest('test-request', 'ack');
// example server responding to a request with a function
namespace.onrequest('test-request-doubler-function', data => {
return data * 2;
// client.js
const ClientEndpoint = require('@cameronwp/client-endpoint');
const client = new ClientEndpoint('http://localhost:8000/chat'); // note the port and "/chat" namespace
// example server -> client push
client.onmessage('new-message', val => {
console.log(val); // logs "lorem ipsum..."
// example client -> server post
client.postMessage('config-change', {config: 'object'});
// example server response to a request
client.request('test-request').then(console.log); // logs "ack"
// example server response to a request
client.request('test-request-doubler-function', 2).then(console.log); // logs 4
Kind: global class
Extends: Endpoint
- ClientEndpoint ⇐
- new ClientEndpoint(location)
- .postMessage(type, [data]) ⇒
- .request(type, [key]) ⇒
Exposes a wrapper around a client connection to a server.
Param | Type |
location | string |
Post a message to the server. Resolves when the message is acknowledged. Nothing is sent to the acknowledgement.
Kind: instance method of ClientEndpoint
Returns: Promise
- Promise that resolves when the server acknowledges the message.
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of message to send to the server. |
[data] | * |
Contents of the message. |
Send a request. Returns a promise that resolves to the response.
Kind: instance method of ClientEndpoint
Returns: Promise
- Promise that receives the response.
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Info you are requesting. |
[key] | string |
nconf style key |