- Window Manager • AwesomeWM
- Shell • Zsh
- Terminal • Kitty
- Bar • Wibar
- Compositor • Picom
- Launcher • Rofi
- Generator Colors • Pywal
- AwesomeWM
paru -S awesome-git
- Picom
paru -S picom-ibhagwan-git
- Pywal
paru -S pywal
- Kitty
paru -S kitty
- ZSH and dependencies
paru -S zsh paru -S zsh-syntax-highlighting paru -S zsh-autosuggestions
pacman -S starship
cd /usr/share sudo su mkdir zsh-sudo chown 'youUser' zsh-sudo/ cd zsh-sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/plugins/sudo/sudo.plugin.zsh
- Rofi
sudo pacman -S rofi
- Neofetch
paru -S neofetch
- Nitrogen
paru -S nitrogen
- MPD and Ncmpcpp
paru -S ncmpcpp mpv mpd mpc systemctl --user enable mpd.service systemctl --user start mpd.service
- Neofetch~/.fonts or ~/.local/share/fonts
- Download zip Hack Nerd Font here
cp Hack.zip ~/.fonts or ~/.local/share/fonts cd ~/.fonts or ~/.local/share/fonts unzip Hack.zip rm Hack.zip fc-cache -fv
git clone https://github.com/camilof99/dotfiles-awesome
cd dotfiles-awesome
cp .zshrc /home/'youUser'
cp -r .config/* ~/.config/
cd .config/awesome
git clone https://github.com/streetturtle/awesome-wm-widgets
git clone https://github.com/streetturtle/awesome-buttons
- To change the wallpaper and generate the colors automatically, I use Nitrogen and Pywal.
- Choose your wallpaper with Nitrogen
- Later:
cd .config/awesome/scripts
Later keyboard super + ctrl + r
- To see the keyboard shortcuts press super + s // Feel free to change them
I hope you enjoy :)
If there are errors, report them here.
- Credits to rxyhn for inspiration.
- Credits to adi1090x for the base of rofi.
- To the reddit community of r/unixporn.
- To the Arch Linux group (Telegram).