Logs and files for the final grade project.
Project Name: A Self-Adaptive Controller Prototype for Automated Trading Systems.
Students: Andrés Felipe Borrero and Juan Camilo Tobar.
University: Universidad Icesi.
All the project logs were made via LogWarning to be completely differentiated to the ASP.NET logs, coming from the IIS or from the .NET Core.
Therefore, the logs that begin with 'warn' are from the project. The 'info' starting logs are from ASP.NET.
The pattern for every project log is:
warn: {FromApplication.FromModule.FromClass}
Controller component of the Self-Adaptive System.
Financial context component of the Self-Adaptive System.
For the AsynchServer logs, the pattern is:
{DATE dd/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS.MLS | Request received: {MESSAGE}
Target component of the Self-Adaptive System.
Trading subscription and scheduler component.
Trading account statements.
There are 3 HTML statements and 2 PDF statements for 3 trading moments of the account.
In Statements you can find overall performance data that summarizes the account trades, such as Direction (Buy/Sell), Closing Time, Balance, Pips, Volume and Quantity.