DoorBolt is an Android app which populates a list with restaurants near the DoorDash headquarters.
DoorBolt is written in Kotlin using a single activity MVVM architecture. The app targets the latest API (28) and supports All API levels going back to API 14. The list provided below list the 3rd party libraries used:
- Android Bindings library to populate the views
- ViewModel/LiveData Android Architecture Components library to extract logical data from the app's views.
- Android Jetpack For backwards compatibility support
- Constraint Layout for simplifying the view hierarchy
- Dagger 2 for dependency injection
- RxJava for asynchronously calls
- Retrofit for REST api communication
- GSON for json deserialization
- Picasso for image loading
- Timber for logging
- mockito for mocking in tests
- Okhttp Mockwebserver for testing against fixtures
Run the command make restaurant-fixture
inside terminal (on Mac) to generate or refresh the fixtures used for testing.