Ansible Playbooks and Dependencies
Currently just a work in progress. Soon will be able to spin up my default Ubuntu workstation from clean install to fully operational.
Ansible 1.7+ is required to run this playbook.
To install ansible follow the instructions from their site:
I highly recommend using pip to install Ansible, this makes it much easier to get the required 1.7+ version.
In Ubuntu 14.04 Ansible 1.7 is currently available as a backport as well as through the PPA. To determine the most recent version currently available issue the following command:
apt-cache showpkg ansible
This should list one or more versions that are available, if you do not see a 1.7 version ensure backports are enable then update apt and try again. If a 1.7 version is available install it with the following command:
sudo apt-get install ansible=1.7.2+dfsg-1~ubuntu14.04.1
From the root directory:
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/bootstrap.yml -f 10 -K
You will be prompted to enter your root password.