The client connects to Libbitcoin Server via a CZMQ port process and provides an asynchronous query interface along with transaction, block, and heartbeat notifications.
The controlling process communicates with the client by calling functions in the
module. All functions proform their respective
operations asyncronusly. When a command is executed it must include a reference
to the owner process, which is by default is the current
process. The client process will send Erlang messages to
the specified owner when it has recieved a response from the server.
To use client you need to install it as a dependancy.
{:libbitcoin_client, github: "cancoin/elixir-libbitcoin-client"}
The Libbitcoin.Client.start_link/{1,2}
function must be used to start
a client.
Opening a Client connection with default options
{:ok, client} = Libbitcoin.Client.start_link("tcp://")
Opening a client with a custom timeout
{:ok, client} = Libbitcoin.Client.start_link("tcp://", %{timeout: 100})
Two types of messages are sent to the process owner in response to queries.
{:libbitcoin_client, command-name, reference, response}
{:libbitcoin_client_error, command-name, reference, error-atom}
Getting the last height of the blockchain
{:ok, ref} = Libbitcoin.Client.last_height(client)
receive do
{:libbitcoin_client, "blockchain.fetch_last_height", ^ref, height} ->
IO.puts "Last block height: #{height}"
{:libbitcoin_client_error, "blockchain.fetch_last_height", ^ref, error} ->
IO.puts "Error getting last block height: #{error}"
The Libbitcoin.Client.Sub
module provides a seperate client that
subscribes to libbitcoin-server's event channels and forwards the messages to the controlling Erlang process
in an "active-once" pattern simmilar to gen_tcp sockets. After every
message received the controlling process must acknowledge the message by
calling Libbitcoin.Client.Sub.ack_message/1
before any more messages
will be sent. Messages are buffered into a queue in the client process before they are
dropped when a (soon to be) configurable maximum length is reached.
alias Libbitcoin.Client.Sub
{:ok, client} = Sub.transaction("tcp://")
:ok = Sub.controlling_process(client)
receive do
{:libbitcoin_client, :transaction, transaction} ->
IO.puts "New transaction: #{Base.encode16(transaction)}"
alias Libbitcoin.Client.Sub
{:ok, client} = Sub.block("tcp://")
:ok = Sub.controlling_process(client)
receive do
{:libbitcoin_client, :block, {height, header, txids}} ->
IO.puts "New block at #{height}"
As a GenServer
defmodule TxSub do
alias Libbitcoin.Client.Sub
use GenServer
def init([uri]) do
{:ok, client} = Sub.transaction(uri)
:ok = Sub.controlling_process(client)
{:ok, %{client: client}}
def handle_info({:libbitcoin_client, :transaction, transaction}, %{client: client} = state) do
IO.inspect "New transaction: #{Base.encode16(transaction)}"
{:noreply, state}
GenServer.start_link(TxSub, ["tcp://"])