BinaryPack is a simple Golang library which implements some functionality of Python's struct package.
This one is forked from BinaryPack with more supported pad byte
Format characters
Format characters (some characters like H have been reserved for future implementation of unsigned numbers):
? - bool, packed size 1 byte
b - int8, packed size 1 bytes
B - uint8, packed size 1 bytes
h - int16, packed size 2 bytes
H - uint16, packed size 2 bytes
i, l - int32, packed size 4 bytes
I, L - int32, packed size 4 bytes
q - int64, packed size 8 bytes
Q - uint64, packed size 8 bytes
f - float32, packed size 4 bytes
d - float64, packed size 8 bytes
Ns - string, packed size N bytes, N is a number of runes to pack/unpack
go get
How to use
// Prepare format (slice of strings)
format := []string{"I", "?", "d", "6s"}
// Prepare values to pack
values := []interface{}{4, true, 3.14, "Golang"}
// Create BinaryPack object
bp := new(BinaryPack)
// Pack values to []byte
data, err := bp.Pack(format, values)
// Unpack binary data to []interface{}
unpacked_values, err := bp.UnPack(format, data)
// You can calculate size of expected binary data by format
size, err := bp.CalcSize(format)