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zebdelk committed Aug 12, 2014
1 parent 6dc5c84 commit d7bb273
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Showing 672 changed files with 104,542 additions and 0 deletions.
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions @canlab_dataset/add_var.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
% Not complete yet. Please edit me
% Function for adding a variable to a dataset in a systematic way.
% - Checks IDs of subjects to make sure data is added in the correct order.
% - Values for missing data are coded as missing values, as specified in dat.Description.Missing_Values
% - Handles Subject_Level or Event_Level data

varname = 'ValenceType';
var_to_add =;

% get indices
[subjn, ia, ib] = intersect(, subjname2, 'stable');

wh_subjs = false(length(;
wh_subjs(ia) = true;

n = length(;

% set missing value
missingval = dat.Description.Missing_Values;
if ischar(missingval), missingval = str2num(missingval);

nmissing = length( - length(ia);
fprintf('Adding variable %s:\n\tSubjects with missing data: %d\n', varname, nmissing);

nextra = length(subjname2) - length(ia);
fprintf('\tSubjects not in dataset (will not be added): %d\n', nextra);

is_subj_level = iscell(var_to_add);

% Subject level
% simplest case
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if is_subj_level

newvar = repmat(missingval, n, 1);

newvar(ia) = var_to_add(ib);



% Event level
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

for i = 1:n



164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions @canlab_dataset/bars.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
function [dat, descrip, colors, h1, s1] = bars(obj, varnames, varargin)
% Takes any optional inputs to barplot_colored.m
% Bar plot for canlab_dataset object
% Usage:
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% [dat, descrip, colors, h1, s1] = bars(obj, varnames, varargin)
% Takes any optional inputs to barplot_colored.m
% Author and copyright information:
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (C) 2013 Tor Wager
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% Inputs:
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% obj canlab_dataset object
% varnames Cell string of variable names to plot
% Takes any optional inputs to barplot_colored.m
% Outputs:
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% dat data matrix for each variable
% Examples:
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% create_figure('NPS values - All subjects');
% varnames = {'15' '13' '11' ' 9' '16' '14' '12' '10'};
% xvals = [1 2 4 5 8 9 11 12];
% colors = {[1 0 0] [0 1 0] [1 0 0] [0 1 0] [1 0 0] [0 1 0] [1 0 0] [0 1 0]};
% bars(LevoNPS, varnames, 'x', xvals, 'colors', colors, 'XTickLabels', varnames, 'within', 'nofig');
% See also:
% * list other functions related to this one, and alternatives*

% Programmers' notes:
% List dates and changes here, and author of changes

n = length(varnames);
colors = scn_standard_colors(n);

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% optional inputs with default values
% -----------------------------------
% - allowable_args is a cell array of argument names
% - avoid spaces, special characters, and names of existing functions
% - variables will be assigned based on these names
% i.e., if you use an arg named 'cl', a variable called cl will be
% created in the workspace

allowable_args = {'colors' 'nofig'};

default_values = {colors [0]};

% define actions for each input
% -----------------------------------
% - cell array with one cell for each allowable argument
% - these have special meanings in the code below
% - allowable actions for inputs in the code below are: 'assign_next_input' or 'flag_on'

actions = {'assign_next_input' 'flag_on'};

% logical vector and indices of which inputs are text
textargs = cellfun(@ischar, varargin);
whtextargs = find(textargs);

for i = 1:length(allowable_args)

% assign default
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

eval([allowable_args{i} ' = default_values{i};']);

wh = strcmp(allowable_args{i}, varargin(textargs));

if any(wh)
% Optional argument has been entered
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

wh = whtextargs(wh);
if length(wh) > 1, warning(['input ' allowable_args{i} ' is duplicated.']); end

switch actions{i}
case 'assign_next_input'
eval([allowable_args{i} ' = varargin{wh(1) + 1};']);
varargin{wh(1) + 1} = [];

case 'flag_on'
eval([allowable_args{i} ' = 1;']);

error(['Coding bug: Illegal action for argument ' allowable_args{i}])

end % argument is input

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------


[dat, ~, ~, descrip] = get_var(obj, varnames, varargin{:});

descrip = cat(1, descrip{:});

colors = cat(1, colors{:});

xvals = 1:n;

if nofig


[h1, s1] = barplot_colored(dat, varargin{:});
% set(h2, 'BarWidth', .9)

fprintf('T-tests against zero\n');
fprintf('Description\tt(%3.0f)\tp\n', size(dat, 1) - 1);

% Print table - t-test against zero
for i = 1:n
[h, p, ci, stats] = ttest(dat(:, i));
if p < .001, str = '***';
elseif p < .01, str = '**';
elseif p < .05, str = '*';
elseif p < .10, str = '+';
else str = ' ';

fprintf('%s\t%3.2f\t%3.6f\t%s\n', descrip{i}, stats.tstat, p, str);


72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions @canlab_dataset/canlab_dataset.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
% D = canlab_dataset();
% Constructs a new, empty instance of a canlab_dataset object.
% The fields of this object can subsequently be assigned data.
% The dataset (D) The dataset (D) is a way of collecting behavioral data
% and/or meta-data about fMRI (and other) studies in a standardized format.
% It has entries for experiment description, Subject-level
% variables, Event-level variables (e.g., for fMRI events or trials in a
% behavioral experiment) and other fields for sub-event level data (e.g.,
% physio or continuous ratings within trials).
% See D.Description for some basic info.
% Dataset methods include:
% write_text -> writes a flat text file (data across all subjects)
% concatenate -> returns flat matrix of data across all subjects to the workspace
% get_var -> get event-level data from one variable and return in matrix and cell formats
% scatterplot -> standard or multi-line scatterplot of relationship between two variables
% scattermatrix -> Scatterplot matrix of pairwise event-level variables
% - type methods(canlab_dataset) for a list of all methods
% Copyright Tor Wager, 2013

classdef canlab_dataset


% Build a dataset containing the key variables

Description = struct('Experiment_Name', [], 'Missing_Values', [], 'Subj_Level', [], 'Event_Level', []);

Subj_Level = struct('id', cell(1), 'names', cell(1), 'type', cell(1), 'units', cell(1), 'descrip', cell(1), 'data', []);

Event_Level = struct('names', cell(1), 'type', cell(1), 'units', cell(1), 'descrip', cell(1), 'data', cell(1));

Sub_Event_Level = struct('names', cell(1), 'type', cell(1), 'units', cell(1), 'descrip', cell(1), 'data', cell(1));

Continuous = struct('names', cell(1), 'type', cell(1), 'units', cell(1), 'descrip', cell(1), 'data', cell(1));

wh_keep = struct();

end % properties

%% Subject-level data


% Class constructor
function obj = canlab_dataset(varargin)

obj.Description.Subj_Level{1, 1} = 'id: Unique text identifier for each subject (e.g., subject code)';

obj.Description.Subj_Level{2, 1} = 'data: cell array, one cell per subject, with rectangular data matrix.';
obj.Description.Subj_Level{3, 1} = ' Each row is one event, each column a variable, with names in .names';

obj.Description.Event_Level{1, 1} = 'data: cell array, one cell per subject, with rectangular data matrix.';
obj.Description.Event_Level{2, 1} = ' Each row is one event, each column a variable, with names in .names';

end % constructor function

end % methods

end % classdef

63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions @canlab_dataset/concatenate.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
function [names, ids, dat, descrips] = concatenate(D, varargin)
% Concatenates Subject-level and Event-level data across all subjects
% [names ids dat] = concatenate(D)
% D: canlab_dataset
% varargin: currently accepts a wh_keep (logical array)
% Names: cell array of variable names
% Descrip: cell array of variable descriptions
% ids: subject IDs matching data rows in dat
% dat: subjects*events x variables matrix
% - subject number, event number are included
% - all subject-level and event-level data are included
% - this format appropriate for, e.g., SAS/HLM
% Examples:
% [names, ids, flatdat] = concatenate(D);
% id_numbers = flatdat(:, 1);
% wh_subjs = true(size(;
% wh_subjs([13 18 19]) = false;
% [names, ids, dat] = concatenate(D, wh_subjs);
% % Copyright Tor Wager, 2013

% select subjects
wh_ids = true(length(, 1);
if length(varargin) > 0, wh_ids = logical(varargin{1}); end
whfind = find(wh_ids);

names = {'subj_num' D.Subj_Level.names{:} 'Event_number' D.Event_Level.names{:}};
descrips = {'subj_num' D.Subj_Level.descrip{:} 'Event_number' D.Event_Level.descrip{:}};

n = length(;

x =;

for i = 1:n

e = size({whfind(i)}, 1);

ids{i} = repmat({whfind(i)}, e, 1);

% subj ID subj level data trialID event data
x{i} = [repmat(i, e, 1) repmat(, :), e, 1) (1:e)' x{i}];


ids = strvcat(ids{:});

dat = cat(1, x{:});

end % function

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