COS Alerter is intended to be used together with alertmanager and prometheus:
- Liveness of Alertmanager through an always-firing alert rule ("Watchdog")
- Liveness of COS Alerter itself from a metric endpoint it exposes and prometheus scrapes
In order to integrate with COS Alerter you need to add a heartbeat rule to Prometheus and add a route to the Alertmanager config.
If you are using the Canonical Observability Stack, the alert rule is already created for you. If not, you can use a rule similar to the following:
- alert: Watchdog
summary: A continuously firing alert that ensures Alertmanager is working correctly.
expr: vector(1)
severity: none
Add the following to your alertmanager config to create the route:
- name: cos-alerter
- url: http://<cos-alerter-address>:8080/alive?clientid=<clientid>&key=<clientkey>
- matchers:
- alertname = Watchdog
receiver: cos-alerter
group_wait: 0s
group_interval: 1m
repeat_interval: 1m
Note that group_wait
should be set to 0s
so the alert starts firing right away.
Copy the file cos_alerter/config-defaults.yaml
to /etc/cos-alerter.yaml
(If running without docker) or ./cos-alerter
(if running with docker). Edit the file with the appropriate values for your environment.
The easiest way to run COS Alerter is to use docker.
docker run -p 8080:8080 --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/cos-alerter.yaml,target=/etc/cos-alerter.yaml,readonly -it
You can also run cos-alerter by installing the python package.
pip install cos-alerter
See for running development builds.