This repository holds a utility Kubernetes charmed operator for GLAuth Kubernetes Charmed Operator.
It aims to supplement the glauth-k8s
charmed operator by the following:
- Use the LDIF to apply data changes into the LDAP directory
The glauth-utils
charmed operator can be deployed using the following command:
juju deploy glauth-utils --channel edge --trust
The glauth-utils
charmed operator requires a Juju integration with the
charmed operator by using the glauth-auxiliary
Juju interface:
juju integrate glauth-utils:glauth-auxiliary glauth-k8s:glauth-auxiliary
The following diagram illustrates the overall deployment architecture:
The glauth-utils
charmed operator offers the following Juju actions.
The apply-ldif
action helps load an LDIF file to apply any defined data
changes into the glauth-k8s
charmed operator's backend datastore (e.g.
PostgreSQL database).
# 1. Transfer the LDIF file to the remote charm container in the leader unit
juju scp -m <model> <path-to-ldif-file> <leader-unit>:<path-to-ldif-file-in-remote-container>
# 2. Apply the LDIF file
juju run <leader-unit> apply-ldif path=<path-to-ldif-file-in-remote-container>
📚 Please refer to the LDIF samples to see what directory update requests are supported in the charmed operator.
The following diagram shows the database schema used by the glauth-k8s
charmed operator's backend datastore.
⚠️ NOTEThe backend relational database schema is determined by a GLAuth's database plugin (e.g. theglauth-postgres plugin).
Please refer to the Contributing for developer guidance. Please see the Juju SDK documentation for more information about developing and improving charms.
The GLAuth Kubernetes Charmed Operator is free software, distributed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.