A Juju charm deploying docker images using gunicorn as default.
This charm simplifies docker image deployment management, allowing us to inject variables to the environment as we see fit. It allows for deployment on many different Kubernetes platforms, from MicroK8s to Charmed Kubernetes to public cloud Kubernetes offerings.
As such, the charm makes it easy for those looking to take control of their docker images, use them in a juju environment without having to write a charm from scratch and gives them the freedom to deploy on the Kubernetes platform of their choice.
For DevOps or SRE teams this charm will make docker image testing easier and more manageable. It will allow easy deployment into multiple environments for testing of changes, and supports scaling out for enterprise deployments.
For overall concepts related to using Juju see the Juju overview page. For easy local testing we recommend this how to on using MicroK8s with Juju.
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Run the following command:
echo -e "tox -e src-docs\ngit add src-docs\n" >> .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
To deploy the charm and relate it to the PostgreSQL K8s charm within a Juju Kubernetes model:
juju deploy postgresql-k8s
juju deploy gunicorn-k8s
juju relate postgresql-k8s:db gunicorn-k8s:pg
The charm also supports the ingress
relation, which can be used with
juju deploy nginx-ingress-integrator
juju relate gunicorn-k8s:ingress nginx-ingress-integrator:ingress
Once the deployment has completed and the "gunicorn-k8s" workload state in
juju status
has changed to "active" you can visit http://gunicorn-k8s
a browser (assuming gunicorn-k8s
resolves to the IP(s) of your k8s ingress) or the juju unit's
(gunicorn-k8s) assigned IP, and you'll be presented with a screen
that details all the environment variables used by the deployed docker image.
You can, of course, supply our own OCI image. To do so, specify
--resource gunicorn-image='image-location'
at deploy time,
or use juju attach-resource
if you want to switch images after
initial deployment. Gunicorn is expected to listen on
port 8080 by default, but you can configure your own port if needed via
the juju config external_port
For further details, see the charm's detailed documentation.