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Notary is a simple, reliable, and secure certificate management tool. Use it to request, approve, and manage certificate requests for your services.

Project & Community

Notary is an open source project that warmly welcomes community contributions, suggestions, fixes, and constructive feedback.

  • To contribute to the code Please see for guidelines and best practices.
  • Raise software issues or feature requests in GitHub
  • Meet the community and chat with us on Matrix

Getting Started

Install the snap:

sudo snap install notary

Generate (or copy) a certificate and private key to the following location:

sudo openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout /var/snap/notary/common/key.pem -x509 -days 1 -out /var/snap/notary/common/cert.pem -subj "/"

Start the service:

sudo snap start notary.notaryd

Navigate to https://localhost:3000 to access the Notary UI.

How-to Guides



sudo snap install notary

Charmed Operator

juju deploy notary-k8s

For more information on using Notary in the Juju ecosystem, read the charm documentation.



Notary takes a YAML config file as input. The config file can be passed to Notary using the -config flag.

The config file requires the following parameters:

Key Type Description
key_path string path to the private key for enabling HTTPS connections
cert_path string path to a PEM formatted certificate for enabling HTTPS connections
db_path string path to a sqlite database file. If the file does not exist Notary will attempt to create it.
port integer (0-65535) port number on which Notary will listen for all incoming API and frontend connections.
pebble_notifications boolean Allow Notary to send pebble notices on certificate events (create, update, delete). Pebble needs to be running on the same system as Notary. Read more about Pebble Notices here.

An example config file may look like:

key_path:  "/etc/notary/config/key.pem"
cert_path: "/etc/notary/config/cert.pem"
db_path: "/var/lib/notary/database/certs.db"
port: 3000
pebble_notifications: true

You can generate the cert and the associated key by running:

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 1 -out cert.pem -subj "/"

Notary does not support insecure http connections.


Endpoint HTTP Method Description Parameters
/api/v1/certificate_requests GET Get all blog certificate requests
/api/v1/certificate_requests POST Create a new certificate request csr
/api/v1/certificate_requests/{id} GET Get a certificate request by id
/api/v1/certificate_requests/{id} DELETE Delete a certificate request by id
/api/v1/certificate_requests/{id}/certificate POST Create a certificate for a certificate request
/api/v1/certificate_requests/{id}/certificate/reject POST Reject a certificate for a certificate request
/api/v1/certificate_requests/{id}/certificate DELETE Delete a certificate for a certificate request
/api/v1/accounts GET Get all user accounts
/api/v1/accounts POST Create a new user account username, password
/api/v1/accounts/{id} GET Get a user account by id
/api/v1/accounts/{id} DELETE Delete a user account by id
/api/v1/accounts/{id}/change_password POST Change a user account's password password
/login POST Login to the Notary UI username, password
/status GET Get the status of the Notary service
/metrics Get Get Prometheus metrics