There is one major new feature in this release, which is WiFi support. This depends on changes made to the package pool on the ISO, so will only work with recent impish or focal dailies. WiFi cards requiring 'Additional Drivers' are unlikely to work at this time.
We also fixed some bugs:
- Fix socket creation, which could in some circumstances be created in the wrong location
- Workaround crash, notably visible on arm64, after user creation (LP: #1925068)
- Autoinstall: fix locale being an unasked-for interactive section (LP: #1919251)
- Fix crash when applying network config fails (LP: #1926132)
- Offer to run a shell when autoinstall fails
- Fix swapfile creation logic (LP: #1927103)
- Fix installer start up when cloud-init is not running (LP: #1929129)