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A simple and customizable autocomplete searchbox with a multiple selection


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React Autocomplete-Multiselect

This project was made because after I've found out that the (still awesome) react-select library wasn't suiting my usecase, I had to create a library on my own, also for testing React npm published components. This library was made using React without CRA, use-debounce, styled-components, webpack and of course TypeScript.


Just run yarn add react-autocomplete-multiselect or npm i react-autocomplete-multiselect


This library introduces a simple React component, which is <AutocompleteMultiselect/> and following here are all the available properties and events to customize it

Available events

searchFunction: (query: string) => Promise<any[]>;

Mandatory, it's a function which accept a query parameter and use it to return a Promise with a list of items as result. This will be debounced using debounceTime and triggered after input

customInput?: ({clearSelection: () => void, onChange: (newValue: string) => void}) => JSX.Element;

Optional, if provided can be used to pass a custom JSX.Element which requires an onChange handler fired by the input (must have an tag). Also, provides clearSelection callback which clears all selected items

customCounter?: ({selectedItems: any[], onItemClick: (item: any) => void}) => JSX.Element;

Optional, if provided accepts a function by passing the list of selectedItems and returns a JSX Element which will be displayed before the list of items. Also, it can handle deselection directly from the JSX.Element by integrating the provided onItemClick callback

onSelectionChange?: ({selectedItems: any[], valid: boolean}) => void;

Optional, callback which gets fired when the selection changes, with a boolean indicating wherever the selection matches the min/max boundaries or not. Provides the selectedItems as argument

onItemSelected?: (selectedItem: any) => void;

Optional, fires a callback when an item is selected by providing the selected item as argument

itemKeyFunction?: (item: any) => string;

Optional (recommended), is a function which get used to create list keys to render list items. It takes the input item as argument and can return a string with whatever you want. Selected items will be compared using the value returned by this function, and defaults to a (ugly) JSON.stringify(item)

customClearButton?: ({onClick: (e: React.MouseEvent) => void, value: string}) => JSX.Element;

Optional, will be fired when some text is getting written. Requires an onClick event handler which can be used to clear the input, and provides the searchValue as parameter, if needed

renderItem?: ({item: any, selected: boolean, disabled: boolean, query: string}) => JSX.Element;

Optional, a custom renderer for the list item. Will be rendered inside a <li> tag

Available properties

customCSS?: {container?: CSSProperties, list?: CSSProperties};

Optional, defaults to {}, custom CSS properties to be passed to the component wrapper (container) or to the list (list)

selectionMax?: number;

Optional, the maximum number of selectable items. Defaults to -1 which means unlimited

selectionMin?: number;

Optional, the minimum required number of items to be selected. Defaults to -1 which means no one

customLoader?: JSX.Element;

Optional, a custom JSX element which will be shown up while your search function is still working. If set, showDefaultLoader won't be considered

showDefaultLoader?: boolean;

Optional, if set to false won't display anything while your search function is working. Defaults to true

searchDebounce?: number;

Optional, the number of milliseconds of debouncing between writing some text in the searchbox and triggering the searchFunction. Defaults to 300


A simple and customizable autocomplete searchbox with a multiple selection








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