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MTG DeckTech

Prepare SQL File

Run npm run trim-oracle-db to process the latest Scryfall Oracle JSON file (found here) by trimming off the unnecessary attributes.

Convert the output file into MySQL commands via a tool like Numidian Convert. OracleCard is the database table that will receive these records.

Note: MySQL may not support VARCHAR(MAX) column definitions in the CREATE TABLE command. Use the output from the trimming utility to determine an appropriate length for each column when setting up the database for the first time.

Note: Replace any table creation commands with TRUNCATE OracleCard; to empty and reseed the OracleCard table before inserting the new records.

Upload SQL Insert File

  • scp local-file.sql [username]@[domain]:oracle-cards.sql uploads the update file
  • SSH into the server
  • mysqldump -u root -p [database] > backup.sql to backup the database
  • mysql [database] < oracle-cards.sql to execute the commands in the update file

Working On MySQL

  • SSH into the server
  • mysql to start the MySQL prompt
  • SHOW DATABASES; to list available databases
  • USE [database]; to select the database for the session
  • SHOW TABLES; to list available tables

Development Server

Run json-server databases/min-oracle-server.json -p 3000 and json-server databases/local.json -p 3001 to get the test APIs running.

Alternatively, launch the mtg-deck-tech-api Node project to launch a local copy of the API that connects to the remote MySQL database.

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Build For Production Prerequisites

You must also ensure the API URL uses HTTPS/SSL or else the requests to the back-end will not work. Set these accordingly in the src/environments/ file before building.

Build For Production

Run ng build --prod to build the project into dist/deploy.

Prerequisites for Deployment

Apache Deployment Prerequisites

Auth0 requires HTTPS/SSL for a production build to work. Ensure that a valid (i.e. not self-signed) SSL certificate is attached to the domain/subdomain where the app will be deployed.

Also ensure that[/callback] is correctly listed in Auth0's configuration for the various URLs that your deployment will contact for authentication.

Apache Deployment

Upload the contents of dist/deploy to your public_html/[root] folder. Ensure .htaccess has the following rules:

RewriteEngine On
# If an existing asset or directory is requested go to it as it is
RewriteRule ^ - [L]
RewriteRule ^ /index.html

This ensures requests are redirected properly to Angular's files.


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