In this step I have designed a better hover function for the apps, the content fades in when selected rather than just appearing on the screen. I have developed some functionality in the player app; When the player is selected and hover is true the user can set volume to High / Low with LEFT + RIGHT keys and toggle spotifys pause / play state with DOWN.
Whats Next?
populate Finder and Browser apps with basic content.
Bring in Bluetooth-Incoming connection from port [6] and make sure it is recieving the correct values from the arduino UNO.
Connect to the garment and try establish BLE connection and map out capacitive data signals. The key presses within this sketch will need to be replaced by incoming bluetooth signals. ** Example:
If capacitive sensor 1 reads HIGH send a 1 to processing,
If capacitive sensor 2 reads HIGH send a 2 to processing,
If capacitive sensor 3 reads HIGH send a 3 to processing ... and so on ...