Is a finance management system that is very useful for organizing weekly, monthly or any way the user sees fit, as it is totally free to create your payment cycles.
The homepage is a dashboard with some cards that inform the totals of credit, debit and their consolidated amount.
The Payment Cycles page lists all cycles already registered and allows their registration, editing and deletion.
The deploy was made on Netlify and you can access in here
PS: The first request (registration or login) will take a while to return an answer because the API will be in "hibernate" mode. The "hibernate" "mode happens because the API doesn't get a lot of constant access.
- Bootstrap's template AdminLTE
- ReactJS
- Webpack
- The state management Redux
- Deployed on Netlify
Download NPM, Node and MongoDB.
Clone and configure the backend My Money API.
Clone this repo locally:
$ git clone
Install the dependencies:
$ npm install
Open your terminal and run the application:
$ npm run dev
If the whole process has gone smoothly, an application available at localhost:8080