Lambda function that provide email notifications
To run the lambda function, you need to create a task in the Galloper and specify a lambda handler in it.
- handler for API tests notifications
- handler for UI tests notifications
You can use curl to invoke a task, example below
curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{"param1": "value1", "param2": "value2", ...}' <host>:5000/task/<task_id>
- Galloper host DNS or IP
- ID of the created task in Galloper
You can pass the necessary parameters with the -d option. List of available parameters:
'test': '<ui_scenario_name>'
- required for ui email notifications
'test_suite': '<ui_suite_name>'
- required for ui email notifications
'test': '<simulation_name>'
- required for api email notifications
'test_type': '<test_type>'
- required for api email notifications
'users': '<count_of_vUsers>'
- required for all type of notifications
'influx_host': '<influx_host_DNS_or_IP>'
- required for all type of notifications
'smpt_user': '<smpt_user_who_will_login_to_the_the_host>'
- required for all type of notifications - note: parameter name smpt
instead of smtp
'smpt_password': '<password>'
- required for all type of notifications - note: parameter name smpt
instead of smtp
'smpt_sender': '<sender_who_email_will_be_FROM>'
- optional: if not included then 'smpt_user' will be used - note: parameter name smpt
instead of smtp
'user_list': '<list of recipients>'
- required for all type of notifications
'notification_type': '<test_type>'
- should be 'ui' or 'api'
'smpt_host': ''
- optional, default - '' - note: parameter name smpt
instead of smtp
'smpt_port': 465
- optional, default - 465 - note: parameter name smpt
instead of smtp
'influx_port': 8086
- optional, default - 8086
'influx_thresholds_database': 'thresholds'
- optional, default - 'thresholds'
'influx_ui_tests_database': 'perfui'
- optional, default - 'perfui'
'influx_comparison_database': 'comparison'
- optional, default - 'comparison'
'influx_user': ''
- optional, default - ''
'influx_password': ''
- optional, default - ''
'test_limit': 5
- optional, default - 5
'comparison_metric': 'pct95'
- optional, only for api notifications, default - 'pct95'