- App now does not crash if server return Blank application info [app-linux]
- Reduced the minimum delay for autosuspend to 4 seconds [app-linux]
- libvirt URL can now be configured by user [app-linux]
- Improved logging [app-linux]
- Use libvirt-python instead of calling virsh through subprocess [app-linux]
- Workaround for freerdp bug which caused first launch of application to show black window [app-linux]
- Option to send notification when VM is suspended [app-linux]
- Fixes VM suspending right after being resumed [app-linux]
- Cassowary server task now runs on windows machines with batteryby default ( laptops, etc. ) so server runs properly [app-win]
####How to update:
Linux App
Download "cassowary-0.4-py3-none-any.whl" file and Open terminal in directory where it is located then run pip install cassowary-0.4-py3-none-any.whl
then logout and login again for background service to update.
Windows app
Download "cassowary-0.4-winsetup.zip" inside VM extract the files, double click setup.bat, then logout or reboot