a simple OTLP log store
- Supports OTLP/HTTP (No Grpc)
- Compatible with both Protocol Buffers and JSON
- Gzip compression supported
- Stores log data in SQLite
- Full-Text search (trigram)
- Built-in UI

This is a hobby project designed to facilitate the verification of log ingestion with OTLP. It is not intended for use in environments where reliability or high performance is required.
Lognroll offers pre-built binaries for x86_64-pc-linux, aarch64-pc-linux, x86_64-apple-darwin, and aarch64-apple-darwin. If you are using one of these environments, downloading these binaries is the easiest way to get started.
- For x86_64-pc-linux
curl -sL -o lognroll https://github.com/categolj/lognroll/releases/download/tip/lognroll-x86_64-pc-linux
- For aarch64-pc-linux
curl -sL -o lognroll https://github.com/categolj/lognroll/releases/download/tip/lognroll-aarch64-pc-linux
- For x86_64-apple-darwin (Intel Mac)
curl -sL -o lognroll https://github.com/categolj/lognroll/releases/download/tip/lognroll-x86_64-apple-darwin
- For aarch64-apple-darwin (Apple Silicon)
curl -sL -o lognroll https://github.com/categolj/lognroll/releases/download/tip/lognroll-aarch64-apple-darwin
After downloading the appropriate binary, you can start lognroll with the following commands:
mkdir -p data
chmod +x lognroll
./lognroll --lognroll.db.path=./data/lognroll.db --server.port=4318
- Web UI: http://localhost:4318 (username: empty, password: same as token bellow)
- OTLP/HTTP endpoint: http://localhost:4318/v1/logs
- Default bearer token:
(you can change the token with--lognroll.auth.token=verysecuretoken
Run with the native image version. It starts up quickly (usually in less than a second), but it does not currently work on Arm environments such as Apple Silicon.
mkdir -p data
docker run --rm -p 4318:4318 -v ./data:/data -e LOGNROLL_DB_PATH=/data/lognroll.db ghcr.io/categolj/lognroll:native
Or the JVM version will work in any environment.
mkdir -p data
docker run --rm -p 4318:4318 -v ./data:/data -e LOGNROLL_DB_PATH=/data/lognroll.db ghcr.io/categolj/lognroll:jvm
Java 21+ is required.
./mvnw clean package -DskipTests
java -jar target/lognroll-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
./mvnw spring-boot:run
For Native Image Build, run the following command. The native image (./target/lognroll
) created here should work on the environment where it was built, including Arm.
./mvnw -Pnative -DskipTests native:compile
cat src/test/resources/logs.json | curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer changeme" -s http://localhost:4318/v1/logs --data-binary @- -v
then, check the stored data
$ curl -s http://localhost:4318/api/logs -H "Authorization: Bearer changeme" | jq .
"logId": 1,
"timestamp": "2018-12-13T14:51:00.300Z",
"observedTimestamp": "2018-12-13T14:51:00.300Z",
"severityText": "Information",
"severityNumber": 10,
"serviceName": "my.service",
"scope": "my.library",
"body": "Example log record",
"traceId": "e41f0414517bf7cd37f35d370f6ebd07adf7f35dc50bad02",
"spanId": "104135f41ec40b70b5075ef8",
"traceFlags": 0,
"attributes": {
"int.attribute": 10,
"array.attribute": [
"double.attribute": 637.704,
"string.attribute": "some string",
"map.attribute": {
"some.map.key": "some value"
"boolean.attribute": true,
"my.scope.attribute": "some scope attribute"
"resourceAttributes": {}
Go to the web UI http://localhost:4318 (username: empty, password: changeme
same as token)
Clear the from
field since the sample log is too old and click the "View Logs" button, you'll see the search result as below:

endpoint: http://localhost:4318
insecure: true
Authorization: Bearer changeme