Predicting accidents or air pollution with Barcelona dataset
full.csv - combined weather,precipitation features
*requires python3, pip3, virtualenv
If you don't have virtualenv pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
to download dependencies (listed below). requirements.txt is in the repo. Make sure you are in the directory)
$ flask run
If it gives an error that says Failed to find Flask application or factory in module "app". Use "FLASK_APP=app:name to specify one.
, change to the app
directory with cd app
and flask run
Edit controllers/ to update how to receive and reply to requests.
Edit templates/ to update the layout and styling.
Edit models/ to update how the data is stored.
- Flask
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
- alembic
- certifi
- cffi
- chardet
- Click
- Flask-Misaka
- gunicorn
- idna
- itsdangerous
- Jinja2
- Mako
- MarkupSafe
- misaka
- pycparser
- python-dotenv
- requests
- urllib3
- Werkzeug
all jupyter notebooks
path used for DATASETS used by jupyter nb so put all data here
- main nb with modeling
- eda nb
front page d3js code
main app
html templates
front page d3js code