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@caunt caunt released this 15 Jun 10:07
· 22 commits to master since this release

Still pre-release. But a lot bigger.

  • Added instant vector functions:
  1. ClampMin
  2. Exponential
  3. Floor
  4. NaturalLogarithm
  5. BinaryLogarithm
  6. DecimalLogarithm
  7. Scalar
  8. Sqrt
  9. Timestamp
  • Added range vector functions:
  1. Delta
  2. Derivative
  3. HoltWinters
  4. InstantDelta
  5. Increase
  6. InstantRate
  7. PredictLinear
  8. Rate
  9. Resets
  • Scalar type fix (int to float)
  • Scalar type now can be passed as argument
  • Aggregation functions on RangeVector refactor