In our CSDS 438 HPC final project we measure the effect of adding more processing resources to commonly implemented sorting algorithms.
STATUS: Working!
After Cloning:
To run MergeSort, simply cd to the Mergesort file cd ./mergeSort
and submit the sorting.slurm job file to the HPC enviroment by running sbatch sorting.slurm
. When the procedure is done, you should see an output file in this folder named something like <out.\w+>. This files contain the results.
The CSV file was made by hand using the outputs of the SLURM script described above. We do not currently have a scripted way to produce a CSV file from MergeSort output.
STATUS: Working!
After Cloning:
To run QuickSort, simply cd to the Mergesort file cd ./quickSort
and submit the qs-job.slurm job file to the HPC enviroment by running sbatch qs-job.slurm
. When the procedure is done, you should see an output file in this folder named something like <out.\w+>. This files contain the results.
The CSV file was made by hand using the outputs of the SLURM script described above. We do not currently have a scripted way to produce a CSV file from QuickSort output.
STATUS: Working, nonparallizable
After Cloning:
To run HeapSort, simply cd to the Mergesort file cd ./heapSort
and compile and execute on a compute node in HPC.
STATUS: Working with slight modifications, not reasonably implementable in OpenMP
RUNNING SHELLSORT coming with next version of OMP. However, you can find a working serial program of shellsort and the skeleton of a parallisable one in the ./shellSort folder.
Please refer to the paper
Please email one of the authors in the title of paper