Project to create a web app that displays a user's Spotify playlist track details so they can be downloaded as a csv file. (changed from Heroku to Render)
The app will allow users to:
- log in
- display their playlists (and search for a particular playlist)
- display the details (name, album, artist(s)) of the tracks in that playlist
- download a copy of the track details as a csv file
Navigate to You'll be asked to log in, authorise the connection of the app to your Spotify account, and then the page will display a list of all your playlists. Clicking on a playlist will display the tracks and the option to download the list to a csv file.
The project is hosted on Render but can also be run locally.
- node (version 16.14.2)
- npm (version 8.6.0)
- Spotify accounts (a normal user account and a developer account)
An overview of Spotify Web API setup:
Setup your Spotify Developer account and in the Dashboard create an App. Edit the settings so the Redirect URIs
section includes http://localhost:8888/callback/
. You will need to (later) add additional entries if deploying to a platform (e.g. in my case
Clone the repository.
Install node and npm.
Using the Authorization Code Flow to access Spotify, the following configuration variables must be set as environment variables in a .env
file in the project root directory (if running locally) and/or as config variables if deploying to a platform. If running locally, the dotenv
module will load the file into process.env
will have a different address on the deployed platform. In the .env
file include:
CLIENT_ID=<value in your Spotify app account>
CLIENT_SECRET=<value in your Spotify app account>
To install the required packages (see package.json), run:
$ npm install
Start the server locally:
$ npm start
Then open the browser and go to http://localhost:8888/
To rebuild (after any file changes), run:
$ npm run build
Or to watch for and rebuild automatically after any changes (webpack
) AND automatically re-start the server if there are changes there as well (nodemon
), run:
$ npm run watch
Deploying to Heroku requires some additional setup such as installing Heroku and creating an app and setting config variables (see however the settings in package.json
are already done.
The site is now deployed to Render.
The project uses webpack.js to build the final Javascript file. The following are the final project files:
|- index.html
|- bundle.js
|- style.css
The bundle.js
file is built using webpack from the files in
|- authentication.js
|- helpers.js
|- playlist.js
|- tracks.js
The project is complete. Further tweaks and modifications may be made if anything comes up:
- Possible further research into Spotify's authorisation workflows and addition of refresh tokens
- testing
This project came about because due to Spotify's UI update a while ago, I could no longer copy the details of the tracks on my Spotify playlists anymore (and I'd really really like a list of my tracks for when I forget). Also it was a great way to learn about fetching data from external sources where authorisation was required and building something that I'd actually use.
My first step was to investigate how to connect to Spotify, how their Web API and authentication worked and other resources that would assist in fetching data (e.g. I used In order to access user data in Spotify, users need to log in and then authorize the application.
I picked the Authentication Code Flow
for authentication, as it allowed me to access user data and had the greatest options. The Implicit Grant
workflow could work as I currently do not use refresh tokens (something I plan to add in the future). Using the Authentication Code Flow
would be a good opportunity to build on the server-side as well and use express
The server and authentication code was based on the code in, which I modified so only the parts I needed remained and which I spent some time reviewing to understand what it did.
There is no way to log out from spotify's web api and redirect to the app, the /logout
endpoint they provide does not allow redirection so the workaround is to direct users to the authorisation page where they can select (Not you?)
to log out of the app. This seems to be the most common work around.
I used the helper wrapper module to assist with retrieving data from Spotify. One of the challenges was working out how to retrieve the data from Spotify, wait until it had all been retrieved, and then display the result. Javascript is asynchronous in that functions may finishing executing out of order (non-blocking) and fetching data will usually take the longest time (compared to other functions). This can result in the displaying function being executed and finished before data retrieval.
Rather than using callbacks (and resulting in very ugly code), I decided to implement "function ordering" using Promises. I'm still grappling with using them, but a lot of searching and experimenting got me able to make my functions run in order and wait for loops to completely finish before moving on. These loops were required as Spotify has limits on the amount of data returned and multiple calls were often required to retrieve chunks of data, which then needed to be pieced together.
One new item I had never touched on was downloading/saving information from a website to a local file, which I needed as I wanted to be able to save track information to a csv file. This turned out to be pretty easy to implement once I worked out how to download using the anchor <a>
I used webpack
for the module bundler. As the project progressed I began separating my code out into smaller modules that tackled one aspect of the app. This made it both easier to manage and a good way to explore how to use webpack and how to break code up into chunks and then refer to functions in different files. It was useful to set up scripts so that webpack automatically rebuilt my javascript file each time one of the working files was updated.
I also included the babel-core
(core) babel-preset-env
(settings) babel-loader
(work with webpack) modules which compiles/transpiles javascript that is using new features into code that can run in older browsers that do not support the features yet.
Design-wise, working out how the data would display, particularly in mobile view required a fair amount of testing to determine appropriate spacing and to make sure data did not overrun. I ended up displaying the track information in a table as this was both appropriate and meant I could literally copy and paste the data, if I wanted to, into excel as well. I added some spinning animations to show data was loading/retrieved and further animations to fade in the playlist. Displaying the playlists themselves went through a few iterations.
Initially the playlist data was displayed in a 'table-like' form (playlist owner, name, number of tracks), however I have since changed it to a more modern display that displays the information over two lines and uses font size, weight and colour to differentiate the information. The Spotify Developer website has information on spotify colours. Something I hadn't thought about was favicons! I downloaded one from a free-favicon website.
The background image is from Bruno Cervera on Unsplash. Once I added this image I changed the design to make the playlist more transparent and managed to find a css trick so the playlist scrolls in its own area and the header/search bar stays up the top. That was simple but very cool.
The project has essentially finished (barring some ongoing feature/design tweaks/refactoring) and was pretty fun, a great learning experience and resulted in something I will use.