See the component page for more information.
bower install html5-paper-input
Because the component is built on Polymer, you should add the script in your page
<script src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponentsjs.js"></script>
Import the component:
<link rel="import" href="html5-paper-input.html">
use it:
<html5-paper-input label="Required field" required floatinglabel></html5-paper-input>
You can customize error messages by:
- setting the error attribute: The same message will be displayed regardless of the type of error
<html5-paper-input label="Required field" required error="You must enter a value"></html5-paper-input>
- setting a custom error map with the setMessage method:
var input = document.querySelector('html5-paper-input');
input.setMessage({valueMissing:"You must enter a value"});
The keys are:
- valueMissing: message for require error
- patternMismatch: message for pattern error
- rangeUnderflow: message for min error
- rangeOverflow: message for max error
- tooLong: message for maxlength error
- default: message for default error