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CBLE is designed to provide a seamless, self-service virtual lab environment that adapts to your needs. Key features include:
Cloud Provider Agnostic: CBLE seamlessly integrates with supported public or private cloud provider, offering you the flexibility to choose the resources that suit your requirements.
Scalable: Whether you're a small team or a large organization, CBLE scales effortlessly to meet your demands, ensuring a smooth and responsive virtual lab experience.
Efficient Lab Management: Say goodbye to manual lab setups. CBLE automates lab provisioning, saving you time and effort.
Versatile Workflows: CBLE supports both traditional (e.g. by-hand) and modern (e.g. Ansible) lab development workflows, empowering you to evolve your course content quickly.
Ready for Production: CBLE is designed to be production-ready, making it an ideal choice for replacing existing lab emulation systems.
- Programming Languages: Golang, Typescript
- Frameworks: Gin, ENT, React, gqlgen, Apollo
- Databases: PostgreSQL, Redis
- Deployment: Docker
See our Getting Started Docs to get up and running with CBLE!
Detailed documentation can be found here.
Coming Soon
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.
BradHacker - Author/Inventor
For questions or inquiries, please use GitHub Discussions on the relevant repository