- Chrome: http://craig.is/writing/chrome-logger
- Firefox: http://www.firephp.org/
- Copy
- Add this code into
require_once base_path() . '/vendor/cbmono/laravel-log2browser/log2browser.php';
$myBrowser = 'chrome'; # Or 'fire' for Firefox
Log2Browser::init( $myBrowser );
# Example:
$testData = array('var1' => 'Hello world!', 'var2' => array('foo' => 'bar'));
Log2Browser::error('Error', $testData);
# Or use the shortcut
LogB::log('Error', $testData);
Note: I'm using Laravel Environment Configuration and restricting this functionality only to my local machine.
is just extending the default Laravel Log function. Therefor, you still have all the main functionalities including those from Monolog:
# Example:
LogB::info('This is some useful information.');
LogB::warning('Something could be going wrong.');
LogB::error('Something is really going wrong.');