This project is a midleware of ESL Gen 3.0 solution.
Note: Before you to put this middleware into your project, you must check both of your labels and aps are the 3rd generation from ETAG.
- The Cronus/Cronus project is the middleware source code.
- The Cronus/Cronus.API project is the mini API package source code for cross language platform to intergration.
- The Cronus/Cronus.Demo project is a WPF desktop demo to using Cronus/Cronus.
- The Cronus/Cronus.NC31 project is a .NET Core 3.1 copy from Cronus/Cronus folder, it using System.Drawing instead of SkiaSharp.
- Add project reference;
- Register AP status changed event and Task feedback event:
SendServer.Instance.APEventHandler += Instance_APEventHandler;
SendServer.Instance.TaskEventHandler += Instance_TaskEventHandler;
- Start the Sendserver:
var result = SendServer.Instance.Start(_config, _logger);
- Send a image to the ESL:
var result = SendServer.Instance.Send(tagID, image);
For more information, please read the D19 documet. Some sections are still under construct, for issues and bugs please let me know, thanks.
Run below command before start:
apt update
apt install libicu70
apt install -y libfontconfig1
Note: For different OS, please refer to
- Because of different version of SkiaSharp library on different OS, if your platform is Linux, please check the has been copied to your API application folder.