Author: Caterina Brighi
Algorithms for glioma lesions segmentation on FET PET images.
Setup/Build/Install To be able to use the above scipts you need to have simpleitk and dicom2nifti installed as python packages and have the file in the same folders as the other .py file of this repo.
Usage The two main project files of this repo are and They contain a pipeline to semiautomatically perform tumour lesions segmentations on FET PET images of glioma patients. utilises as input the coordinates of a point in a tumour lesion and a crescent shape segmentation delineated by a reader according to a set of guidelines. utilises as input only the coordinates of a point in a tumour lesion. All the other files perform other statistical analysis tasks associated with this project.
The original peer-reviewed article published on this work is the following, and is availale for Open Access at this link:
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