This repository is no longer maintained.
For current Doppler client work, see
Open Insights is a framework for constructing browser-based RUM clients.
- Product of collaboration by industry members to measure, and ultimately improve, the internet as a whole.
- Designed to work with multiple vendors.
- Meant to be self-hosted, unlike many vendor-centric, browser-based RUM clients.
- Gives the site owner control over code compilation and included functionality.
import * as openinsights from "@tacoherd/openinsights"
const openinsightsFetchDependencies = {
clearTimeout: (timeoutID) => clearTimeout(timeoutID),
fetch: (url, options) => fetch(url, options),
newAbortController: () => new AbortController(),
newDate: () => new Date(),
performanceEntryManager: new openinsights.PerformanceEntryManager({
newDate: () => new Date(),
newPerformanceObserver: (callback) => new PerformanceObserver(callback),
setTimeout: (fn, timeout) => setTimeout(fn as TimerHandler, timeout),
const customFetchBehavior = (sessionConfiguration, url) => async () => {
* fetchTimeoutInMilliseconds
* requestHeaders
* beforeTest
async () => ({ timeout: false }),
* beforeBeacon
* Optional processing before sending a beacon (e.g. obtain client DNS resolver IP)
async (result, response, performanceEntry) => {},
* sendBeacon
* Clients can beacon data any way they like here (Beacon API, Fetch API, <img src="...">, etc.)
* @param result An object containing the HTTP status and the Resource Timing entry from which to produce a beacon payload
(result) => {
new Blob(
/* some encoded data */
{ type: "application/json" },
* afterTest
(result) => {},
* onError
(error) => {},
const sessionStartupFuncs = [
fetchSessionConfiguration: async () => {
return await fetch(
).then((response) => response.json())
produceExecutables: (sessionConfiguration) => {
// Produce any number of tests to be run sequentially
return [
execute: customFetchBehavior(
* A test object served with:
* - `access-control-allow-origin: *`
* - `timing-allow-origin: *`
/* ... */
/* ... */
* getDocumentReadyState
() => document.readyState,
* addDocumentReadyStateChangeListener
(callback) => document.addEventListener("readystatechange", callback),
* sessionConfigDelayInMilliseconds
* sessionStartupFuncs
In most cases, developers will reference the core module as a dependency, using it to compile a customized client for use on their sites. These instructions are for working on the core module itself.
Within the project root directory:
npm install
npm run lint
npm test
npm run build:doc
Install prerequesite:
npm install --global np
Build release and publish to npm:
np --branch main-forked