PlasMusic Toolbar is a widget for KDE Plasma 6 that shows currently playing song information and provide playback controls.
A Plasma 5 version of the widget is available in the plasma5 branch.
- Show the currently playing song's title and artist in the KDE panel
- Manage your music effortlessly with Play, Pause, Next, and Previous controls directly from the KDE panel.
- Full View provides the album image, along with Play, Pause, Next, Previous, Shuffle, and Repeat controls. Adjust the volume and track position with ease.
- Compatible with both vertical and horizontal KDE Plasma panels, can also be used as a desktop widget.
- Icon customization: Change the widget's icon in the panel view to suit your preferences. You can also choose to display the album cover.
- Font customization: Change the widget's text font to suit your preferences.
- Panel song/icon/controls visibility: Choose whether to show icon, song text and playback controls in the panel view.
- Preferred source: Change the widget preferred source for music information (choose between active MPRIS2 sources).
- Song text customization: Customize the maximum (or fixed) text width and scrolling behavior with adjustable scroll speed.
- and more...
You can install the widget directly from the kde store:
For those using an Arch-based distribution, an AUR package is available:
Thanks to @D3SOX for creating and maintaining the package!
For those using NixOS or the nix package manager, a Nix package is available in nixpkgs-unstable.
To install the widget use one of these methods:
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ plasmusic-toolbar ];
home.packages = with pkgs; [ plasmusic-toolbar ];
Plasma-manager: If the widget gets added to a panel it will automatically be installed
Other distros using nix package manager
# without flakes: nix-env -iA nixpkgs.plasmusic-toolbar # with flakes: nix profile install nixpkgs#plasmusic-toolbar
Clone the repository:
git clone /tmp/plasmusic-toolbar
Install the widget:
kpackagetool6 -i /tmp/plasmusic-toolbar/src/ --type Plasma/Applet
Upgrading the widget:
kpackagetool6 -u /tmp/plasmusic-toolbar/src/ --type Plasma/Applet
Removing the widget:
kpackagetool6 -r plasmusic-toolbar --type Plasma/Applet