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DanielaCorbetta committed May 14, 2024
1 parent f2d81d0 commit 9f14700
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100 changes: 78 additions & 22 deletions R/getPredictionSets.R
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Expand Up @@ -9,43 +9,97 @@
#' @param x.query query data for which we want to build prediction sets. Could
#' be either a SingleCellExperiment object with the estimated probabilities for
#' each cell type in the colData, or a matrix of dimension \code{n x K},
#' each cell type in the colData, or a named matrix of dimension \code{n x K},
#' where \code{n} is the number of cells and \code{K} is the number of different
#' labels. The colnames of the matrix have to correspond to the cell labels.
#' @param calibration data. Could be either a
#' SingleCellExperiment object with the estimated probabilities for each cell
#' type in the colData, or a named matrix of dimension \code{m x K}, where
#' \code{m} is the number of cells and \code{K} is the number of different
#' labels. The colnames of the matrix have to correspond to the cell labels.
#' @param a vector of length n with the labels of the cells in the
#' calibration data
#' @param a vector of length \code{m} with the true labels of the cells in
#' the calibration data.
#' @param onto the considered section of the cell ontology as an igraph object.
#' @param alpha a number between 0 and 1 that indicates the allowed miscoverage
#' @param lambdas a vector of possible lambda values to be considered. Necessary
#' only when \code{follow.ontology=TRUE}.
#' @param follow.ontology If \code{TRUE}, then the function returns hierarchical
#' prediction sets that follow the cell ontology structure. If \code{FALSE}, it
#' returns classical conformal prediction sets.
#' returns classical conformal prediction sets. See details.
#' @param Should the calibration dataset be resampled according to
#' the estimated relative frequencies of cell types in the query data?
#' @param labels labels of different considered cell types. Necessary if
#' \code{onto=NULL}, otherwise they are set to the leaf nodes of the provided
#' graph
#' @param if \code{TRUE}, the prediction sets are returned as a
#' SingleCellExperiment. If \code{FALSE}, they are returned as list. By default,
#' \code{onto=NULL}, otherwise they are set equal to the leaf nodes of the
#' provided graph.
#' @param parameter the controls the output. If \code{TRUE}, the
#' function returns a SingleCellExperiment.
#' If \code{FALSE}, the function returns a list. By default,
#' it is set to \code{TRUE} when \code{x.query} is a SingleCellExperiment or
#' SpatialExperiment object, to \code{FALSE} when \code{x.query} is a matrix.
#' @param name of the colData variable that will contain the prediction
#' sets. Default \code{pred.set}.
#' SpatialExperiment object and to \code{FALSE} when \code{x.query} is a matrix.
#' @param name of the colData variable in the returned
#' SingleCellExperiment object that will contain the prediction
#' sets. The default name is \code{pred.set}.
#' @author Daniela Corbetta
#' @return The function \code{getPredictionSets} returns
#' \item{\code{}}{a SingleCellExperiment or SpatialExperiment
#' @return
#' \item{\code{ = TRUE}}{the function \code{getPredictionSets} returns
#' a SingleCellExperiment or SpatialExperiment
#' object with the prediction sets in the colData. The name of the variable
#' containing the prediction sets is given by the parameter \code{}}
#' \item{\code{}}{a list of length equal
#' \item{\code{ = FALSE}}{the function \code{getPredictionSets} returns
#' a list of length equal
#' to the number of cells in the test data. Each element of the list contains
#' the prediction set for that cell.}
#' @references For an introduction to conformal prediction, see of
#' @details
#' \subsection{Split conformal sets}{Conformal inference is a statistical
#' framework that allows to build
#' prediction sets for any probabilistic or machine learning model. Suppose we
#' have a classification task with \eqn{K} classes. We fit a classification
#' model \eqn{\hat{f}} that outputs estimated probabilities for each class:
#' \eqn{\hat{f}(x) \in [0,1]^K}. Split conformal inference requires to reserve a
#' portion of the labelled training data, \eqn{(X_1,Y_1),\dots, (X_n,Y_n)}, to
#' be used as calibration data. Given \eqn{\hat{f}} and the calibration data,
#' the objective of conformal inference is to build, for a new observation
#' \eqn{X_{n+1},} a prediction set \eqn{C(X_{n+1}) \subseteq\{1,\dots,K\}} that
#' satisfies
#' \deqn{P\left(Y_{n+1}\in C(X_{n+1})\right) \geq 1-\alpha}
#' for a user-chosen error rate \eqn{\alpha}. Note that conformal inference is
#' distribution-free and the sets provided have finite-samples validity.
#' The only assumption is that the test data and the calibration data are
#' exchangeable. The algorithm of split conformal inference is the following:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item For the data in the calibration set, \eqn{(Y_1,X_1),\dots, (Y_n,X_n)}
#' , obtain the \emph{conformal scores}, \eqn{s_i=1-\hat{f}(X_i)_{Y_i},
#' \;i=1,\dots,n}. These scores will be high when the model is assigning a
#' small probability to the true class, and low otherwise.
#' \item Obtain \eqn{\hat{q}}, the
#' \eqn{\lceil(1-\alpha)(n+1)\rceil/n} empirical quantile of the conformal
#' scores.
#' \item Finally, for a new observation \eqn{X_{n+1}}, construct a prediction
#' set by including all the classes for which the estimated probability is
#' higher than \eqn{1-\hat{q}}:
#' \deqn{C(X_{n+1})=\{y: \hat{f}(X_{n+1})_y\geq 1-\hat{q}\}.}
#' }}
#' \subsection{Hierarchical conformal sets}{
#' Let \eqn{\hat{y}(x)} be the class with maximum estimated probability.
#' Moreover, given a directed graph let \eqn{\mathcal{P}(v)} and
#' \eqn{\mathcal{A}(v)} be the set on children nodes and ancestor nodes of
#' \eqn{v}, respectively. Finally, for each node \eqn{v} define a score
#' \eqn{g(v,x)} as the sum of the predicted probabilities of the leaf nodes that
#' are children of \eqn{v}.
#' To build the sets we propose the following algorithm: \deqn{\mathcal{P}(v)
#' \cup \{\mathcal{P}(a): a\in\mathcal{A}(\hat{y}(x)): g(a,x)\leq\lambda \},}
#' where \eqn{v:v\in \mathcal{A}(\hat{y}(x)), \;g(v,x)\geq\lambda,\;
#' v=\arg\min_{u:g(u,x)\geq\lambda}g(u,x)}.
#' In words, we start from the predicted class and we go up in the graph until
#' we find an ancestor of \eqn{\hat{y}(x)} that has a score that is at least
#' \eqn{\lambda} and include in the prediction sets all its children.
#' To ensure that the sets are nested, to this subgraph we add all the other
#' ones that contain \eqn{\hat{y}(x)} for which the score is less than
#' \eqn{\lambda}. To choose \eqn{\lambda}, we follow eq. (4) in Anastasios et
#' al. (2022), considering the miscoverage as loss function. In this way, it is
#' still guaranteed that
#' \deqn{P(Y_{n+1}\notin C_\lambda (X_{n+1})) \leq \alpha.}}
#' @references For an introduction to conformal prediction, see
#' Angelopoulos, Anastasios N., and Stephen Bates. "A gentle introduction to
#' conformal prediction and distribution-free uncertainty quantification."
#' arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.07511 (2021).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,20 +130,21 @@ getPredictionSets <- function(x.query,,, onto=NULL, alpha = 0.1,
if(is.null(onto) & is.null(labels)){
stop("Please provide cell labels (labels parameter)")
if( & is.matrix(x.query)){
stop("If x.query is a matrix output has to be a list
if(isa(x.query, "SpatialExperiment") |
isa(x.query, "SingleCellExperiment") |
isa(x.query, "SummarizedExperiment"))
sc <- TRUE
else if(is.matrix(x.query))
sc <- FALSE
else stop("Please provide as input in x.query a SpatialExperiment,
stop("Please provide as input in x.query a SpatialExperiment,
SingleCellExperiment or a matrix")
if( & !sc){
stop("If x.query is a matrix output has to be a list

# Retrieve labels from the ontology (need to add retrieval from
# when follow.ontology=FALSE)
Expand All @@ -98,6 +153,7 @@ getPredictionSets <- function(x.query,,, onto=NULL, alpha = 0.1,
K <- length(labels)

# If input is not a matrix, retrieve prediction matrix from colData
# might turn this into a helper function
n.query <- ncol(x.query)
p.query <- matrix(NA, nrow=n.query, ncol=K)
Expand Down
84 changes: 69 additions & 15 deletions man/getPredictionSets.Rd

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