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Simple microservice project with examples of spring cloud and various other technologies.


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Spring E-commerce Project is a simple microservice project with spring cloud and various other technologies

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Table of Contents

Architecture Diagram


Events Diagram


Infrastructure Services

1. sep-discovery-service

  1. Java 22 spring boot 3.5
  2. Spring cloud eureka server

2. sep-config-service

  1. Java 22 spring boot 3.5
  2. Spring cloud config server
    1. Encrypt a value using config server curl <CONFIG_SERVICE_URL>/encrypt -s -d <VALUE>
  3. Spring actuator
    1. Refresh variables curl -X POST <APPLICATION_SERVICE_URL>/actuator/refresh

3. sep-gateway-service

  1. Java 22 spring boot 3.5
  2. Spring cloud gateway
  3. Spring cache
    1. Caffeine
  4. Central swagger for services
    1. <GATEWAY_SERVICE_URL>/swagger
  5. Eureka dashboard through gateway
    1. <GATEWAY_SERVICE_URL>/eureka-dashboard
  6. Jwt filter for authentication

Application Services

1. sep-product-service

  1. Java 22 spring boot 3.5
  2. Spring web
    1. Classical controllers
  3. Relational db
    1. Mysql
    2. Flyway migrations
  4. Specification pattern
  5. Spring cache
    1. Redis
  6. Event sourcing
    1. Kafka
    2. Retry and dlt topics
  7. Circuit breaker pattern
    1. Resilience4j
  8. Structured logging
    1. Logback
    2. Elk stack
  9. Authentication
    1. Keycloak
  10. Helpers
    1. Feign client
  11. Tests
    1. Unit tests
      1. Without starting spring container
    2. Integration tests
      1. H2 db
      2. Embedded kafka
    3. Coverage
      1. Jacoco mvn clean verify, mvn jacoco:report

2. sep-payment-service

  1. Java 22 spring boot 3.5
  2. Spring webflux
    1. Handlers
    2. Functional api
  3. No-sql db
    1. Mongodb
  4. Event sourcing
    1. Kafka
    2. Retry and dlt topics
  5. Circuit breaker pattern
    1. Resilience4j
  6. Structured logging
    1. Logback
    2. Elk stack
  7. Authentication
    1. Keycloak
  8. Tests
    1. Unit tests
      1. Without starting spring container
    2. Integration tests
      1. Test containers mongo
      2. Embedded kafka
    3. Coverage
      1. Jacoco mvn clean verify, mvn jacoco:report

3. sep-search-service

  1. Java 22 spring boot 3.5
  2. Kotlin 2.0.0
    1. Kotlin for pojo classes
  3. Spring web
    1. Classical controllers
  4. No-sql db
    1. Elasticsearch
  5. Event sourcing
    1. Kafka
    2. Retry and dlt topics
  6. Circuit breaker pattern
    1. Resilience4j
  7. Structured logging
    1. Logback
    2. Elk stack
  8. Authentication
    1. Keycloak
  9. Helpers
    1. Feign client
  10. Tests
    1. Unit tests
      1. Without starting spring container
    2. Integration tests
      1. Test containers elasticsearch
    3. Coverage
      1. Jacoco mvn clean verify, mvn jacoco:report


Running services

mvn spring-boot:run

Running for development with infrastructure

You need to run many infrastructure services before starting the actual applications, to have a better dev experience I suggest running infrastructure related applications on a cloud vps.

  1. Preliminary steps
    1. Have Java >22, Maven >3 and Kotlin >2 on your path
    2. Move to project's root folder
      • Commands are adjusted for project's root
  2. Run infrastructure in docker
    1. Create internal network
      1. docker network create sep-bridge-network
    2. Run containers
      1. docker compose -f sep-infra/docker-compose-mysql.yaml up -d
      2. docker compose -f sep-infra/docker-compose-mongo.yaml up -d
      3. docker compose -f sep-infra/docker-compose-redis.yaml up -d
      4. docker compose -f sep-infra/docker-compose-elk.yaml up -d
      5. docker compose -f sep-infra/docker-compose-kafka.yaml up -d
      6. docker compose -f sep-infra/docker-compose-keycloak.yaml up -d
  3. Populate config files under /sep-config
    1. Global config
    2. Product service
    3. Payment service
    4. Search service
    5. Init a local git repo for config files under /sep-config
      • Config service uses git repo fo dynamic config values
      1. git -C sep-config init
  4. Run Spring cloud services
    1. mvn -f sep-discovery-service/pom.xml spring-boot:run
    2. mvn -f sep-config-service/pom.xml spring-boot:run
    3. mvn -f sep-gateway-service/pom.xml spring-boot:run (optional)
      1. eureka-dashboard from gateway http://localhost:8093/eureka-dashboard
      2. Swagger ui for all services within gateway http://localhost:8093/swagger
  5. Run application services for development with your ide

Creating new service with spring initializr

Spring initializr template


Create coverage report

  • Go to service directory
mvn clean verify
mvn jacoco:report