...who is trying to find himself in the open-source community, in the recent years, I have been mostly working on projects about documents management, authoring, and distribution, and I'm all about learning new stuff... because it's fun!
- Front-end: Angular, React, JQuery, Vue, Svelte, XForms...
- Back-end: PHP, Node JS, Express JS, Next JS, Svelte Kit, Nuxt JS, Firebase, GraphQL, Joomla, Wordpress...
- Data: MySQL, Firestore, SQLite, Mongo DB, eXist DB...
- Languages: PHP, Javascript, Typescript, Dart, XML, XQuery, XPath, XSLT, Java...
- Multi-platform: Cordova, Electron, Flutter, React Native...
- Automation, Testing, Bundling, Revision: Gulp, Grunt, Karma, Jasmine, Mocha, Vit, Webpack, FuseBox, Git...
- Others: Delphi, Unity 3D, Game Studio...