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A small project that implements a Cassandra Cluster ring viewer. It should add node by token into correct ring position. The image above is just some node art by using random RGB nodes and adding more than 100 to the ring evenly spaced out.

Project Url

Running Project

The previously built dev version is checked to repo under www/ dir, just deploy it on a server. You might use a dev server, like the npm package http-server.

Won't minify sources for now, since it might help with inspecting.

Using the Application

You may use the dev tools/console on your browser. I have exposed a function

Sample call of this function with array format:


If you input a number higher than 2^127, it will just print 2^127's position. The node won't go higher than 2^127 If you input a number lower or equal to 0, it will assume 0.

When you click a node, it will print the node clicked, plus any other node underneath it if the tokens are too close together.

You may also input the array contents on the textArea of the Application:


and press update to view the changes.

You may enter one token value you know is in the ring into the filter box. When you click filter (click only for now, press enter on TODO) it will only show that node. You may press the clear button to clear the filter and show all nodes again. You have to clear the filter in order to add a different filter (TODO).

You can notice when nodes overlap by seeing their transparency go away. The more nodes overlap each other, the less transparent these grouped nodes will seem.

If you hover over the top part of these less transparent nodes, they will move a little bit so that you may be able to click and get their token value better (if you don't like using the filter).

Note: You will need an internet connection to run the app. It loads a google web font. If you don't have internet, it will take its time to try to load the font, and then it will boot with the rest of the application running.

Project files

Actual dev code:


Dist code:


Setting up the project

npm install

Also, install some global dependencies to easier build project:

npm install -g webpack gulp

(might have to use sudo to install globals if not fixed npm permissions or default folder).


The compilable assets are contained under the app dir. You may run these under root directory:

To compile js into one bundle/file:


^ this is important, since we only import one file into index.html, and we can require modules as we would in a node environment.

To process sass into css:

gulp styles


During development, you might want to have these running:

  • webpack --progress --colors --watch, to bundle files into bundle.js for import to html
  • gulp watch, to watch for scss/sass file changes and create the main.css file
  • java -jar /home/quiles/servers/selenium/selenium-server.jar, to run selenium server for use for acceptance tests
  • node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha -w app/tests/acceptance.js -t 10000, to run acceptance tests using selenium
  • node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha -w app/tests/unit/helpers.js, to run unit tests

Running unit tests

node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha app/tests/unit/draw-svg.js

Running acceptance tests

One on terminal:

java -jar /home/quiles/servers/selenium/selenium-server.jar

to run selenium server for use for acceptance tests

node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha app/tests/acceptance.js -t 10000

These tests are run on google chrome only for now.


To be able to run npm install, you will need:

  • nodejs:
  • If Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install nodejs
  • If Gentoo: sudo emerge net-libs/nodejs
  • OSX: brew install node, hopefully using homebrew
  • Else, go to nodejs website, and install.
  • npm
  • Usually bundled when installing nodejs
  • webpack: install with npm install -g webpack, after installing npm

Tested on these browsers

  • Google Chrome - Version 46.0.2490.80 (64-bit) - Mac OSX
  • Chromium - Version 47.0.2526.16 (64-bit) - Gentoo Linux
  • Safari - Version 9.0.1 (11601.2.7.2)
  • Mozilla Firefox - Version 41.0.1 - Mac OSX:

Known issues:

  • Internet Explorer / Edge
  • Currently not tested on IE/Edge

For more compatibilities by feature (svg), see [1] under READM appendix.

Technologies Used

  • D3js
  • Susy SASS Grids
  • Breakpoint Media queries
  • Roboto Font from Google
  • BigNumber npm package
  • Did not use jQuery. Should have. Maybe.



  • Running under es5 environment, not using babel or es6
  • Webpack has a lot of dependencies. I don't mind but you'll see a big number of components under node_modules, and might take more to install on slow internet speeds.


Cassandra ring-like viewer






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