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Part 1: Choosing a Local Storage Option

ccoenraets edited this page Nov 8, 2012 · 1 revision

Step 1: Explore different persistence mechansisms

Open the following files in js/storage, and explore the different persistence stores they define:

  1. memory-store.js (MemoryStore)
  2. ls-store.js (LocalStorageStore)
  3. websql-store.js (WebSqlStore)

Step 2: Test the application with different persistence mechanisms

To change the local persistence mechanism for the application:

  1. In index.html: add a script tag for the corresponding .js file: memory-store.js, ls-store.js, or websql-store.js.
  2. In js/main.js: Instantiate the specific store in the initialize() function of the app object: MemoryStore, LocalStorageStore, or WebSqlStore.