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redfox05 edited this page Jul 19, 2015 · 15 revisions

Write The OS Image

All releases are available from here and are marked by date.

  1. download the latest stable release called motionpie-[sbc]-yyyymmdd.img.gz, where [sbc] is the name of your board

  2. extract the image file from the archive

  3. write the image file to your SD card:

    If you use Windows, just follow these instructions.

    If you use Linux or OSX, there's a script that will do everything for you, including the optional setup of a wireless network connection and setting a static IP address. Just run the script as follows (replacing the arguments with appropriate values):

    Mac OS X Note -- Added note by redfox05. Instead of /dev/mmcblk0, check to find out the exact device name. You can do this by going to: 'About this Mac' / 'More Info' / 'System Report' / 'Card Reader' to find the SD location. Mine was '/dev/disk4' Alternatively, see

     ./ -d /dev/mmcblk0 -i "/path/to/motionPie.img"

    You can preconfigure a wireless network connection:

     ./ -d /dev/mmcblk0 -i "/path/to/motionPie.img" -n "yournet:yourkey"

    If you prefer a static IP instead of DHCP, just run the following command:

     ./ -d /dev/mmcblk0 -i "/path/to/motionPie.img" -s ""

    Any other image writing method should work, including using the Unix dd command.

First Boot

When booting a fresh image installation, a few initialization steps will take place and therefore the system won't be ready for about 1-2 minutes. These steps are:

  • preparing the data partition on the SD card
  • configuring SSH remote access
  • setting the default root password for remote login (to the board's serial number)
  • auto-configuring any detected camera devices

Of course your motionPie needs an IP address before you can communicate with it so you'll have to use the ethernet connection with DHCP enabled, unless you have preconfigured a static IP address.

As soon as your motionPie is ready it will listen on port 80 and present you with a web user interface. To access it, enter the IP address of your board in the address bar of your browser. To find the address, connect to your router (most routers can display the addresses of all connected devices) and look for a device name beginning with "mp-". Alternatively, you can use a network scanner such as the free phone app Fing.

Click on the key icon on the upper left side of the page to switch user to administrator. Use admin with no password when asked for credentials.