Command line utility based on liquid-dsp for demodulating SDR IQ streams. Firstly it was written in C (last commit to C version), however now it is rewritten in rust.
This fork adds the input and output support of:
- unsigned 8 bits integer (u8)
- signed 8 bits integer (s8)
u8 input format is useful to work with rtl_sdr recorded IQ files while s8 input format will be necessary to work with hackrf_transfer IQ recorded files.
sudo apt-get install autoconf
git clone git://
cd liquid-dsp
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
curl -sSf | sh
git clone
cd demod_fm
cargo build --release
cp target/release/demod_fm /usr/local/bin/
sudo cp target/release/demod_fm /usr/local/bin/
Play FM radio recording (deemph filter not used and does not play in stereo)
cat testfiles/ | demod_fm --samplerate 228000 --intype s8 --outtype i16 --bandwidth 100000 fm --deviation 75000 | play -t raw -r 228000 -e signed-integer -b16 -c 1 -V1 -
cat testfiles/ | demod_fm --samplerate 228000 --intype u8 --outtype i16 --bandwidth 100000 fm --deviation 75000 | play -t raw -r 228000 -e signed-integer -b16 -c 1 -V1 -
cat testfiles/ | demod_fm --samplerate 228000 --intype i16 --outtype i16 --bandwidth 100000 fm --deviation 75000 | play -t raw -r 228000 -e signed-integer -b16 -c 1 -V1 -
cat testfiles/ | demod_fm --samplerate 228000 --intype f32 --outtype f32 --bandwidth 100000 fm --deviation 75000 | play -t raw -r 228000 -e floating-point -b32 -c 1 -V1 -
Demodulate FSK9600 raw IQ data recording and pipe output to multimon-ng for packet decoding, notice --squarewave
flag is added to FM demodulation, which makes demodulator output square like (multimon-ng likes it more)
sox -t wav sdr_fsk9600.wav -esigned-integer -b16 -r 126000 -t raw - | demod_fm --samplerate 126000 --resamplerate 48000 --bandwidth 4500 fm --deviation 3500 --squarewave | multimon-ng -t raw -a FSK9600 /dev/stdin
for testing AX25 decoding use this ax25_fsk9600_1024k_i16.wav with the following command (install doppler
from here):
sox -t wav ax25_fsk9600_1024k_i16.wav -esigned-integer -b16 -r 126000 -t raw - | doppler const -s 126000 -i i16 --shift 14500 | demod_fm -s 126000 -r 48000 -i i16 -o i16 --bandwidth 4500 fm --deviation 3500 --squarewave | multimon-ng -t raw -a FSK9600 /dev/stdin
Notice that here modified multimon-ng is used that supports 48000 sps input stream for fsk9600 decoder. Read here why multimon-ng must be modified instead of converting demod output to native 22050 format.
Decode RDS data easily by piping to redsea tool.
cat testfiles/ | demod_fm --samplerate 228000 --intype u8 --outtype i16 --bandwidth 100000 fm --deviation 75000 | redsea -r 228000
An IQ record of FM radio with RDS data has been generated from a Stereo MPX signal produced with PiFMRds and then modulated with the GNU Radio Frequency Mod block:
The resulting IQ record has also been resampled from its original 32 bits float complex format to 8 bits signed integer complex, 8 bits unsigned integer complex and 16 bits signed integer complex: