Releases: cdisc-org/cdisc-rules-engine
Releases · cdisc-org/cdisc-rules-engine
What's Changed
- added external dictionary reference guide by @SFJohnson24 in #989
- increment black version in git action/precommit to match requirement.txt by @SFJohnson24 in #994
- corerules cg0019 support by @gerrycampion in #979
- Bypass InMemoryCacheService by @gerrycampion in #1010
- Bug: Fix missing standard_substandard by @gerrycampion in #1013
- enhancement: pull custom domains from lib model by @SFJohnson24 in #986
- Schema and docs update for is_unique_set supporting CG0019 by @gerrycampion in #1028
- split dataset reporting fixes by @gerrycampion in #1027
- Fixed row number json serialization by @gerrycampion in #1036
- Updated codelist schema by @SFJohnson24 in #1029
- Dataset json 1.1 support by @dostiep in #1040
- Update by @gerrycampion in #1038
- Updated regression tests + updates to previous tests by @RamilCDISC in #1006
- Test Release Gitaction by @SFJohnson24 in #1055
- Bug: defineXML version report fix by @SFJohnson24 in #1056
- Bug: external dictionary reporting fix by @SFJohnson24 in #1057
- Bug: permissible/required/expected operators maintaining sort order by @SFJohnson24 in #1051
Full Changelog: v.0.9.1...v0.9.2
What's Changed
- versioning
- Bump psutil from 6.0.0 to 6.1.1 by @dependabot in #959
- Bump pyyaml from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 by @dependabot in #960
- Bump cdisc-library-client from 0.1.5 to 0.1.6 by @dependabot in #961
- business rule version by @SFJohnson24 in #956
- Update setuptools requirement from ~=75.1.0 to ~=75.6.0 by @dependabot in #962
- enhancements
- TIG support in test/validation commands by @SFJohnson24 in #954
- added test_release action by @SFJohnson24 in #963
- added release regression testing by @SFJohnson24 in #969
- Missing Operator custom exception rule skip by @SFJohnson24 in #970
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v.0.9.1
What's Changed
- dependabot.yml for automated versioning increments by @SFJohnson24 in #849
- Bump black from 22.6.0 to 24.3.0 by @dependabot in #847
- Bump pyinstaller from 5.2 to 5.13.1 by @dependabot in #848
- Bump pympler from 1.0.1 to 1.1 by @dependabot in #852
- Update setuptools requirement from ~=63.2.0 to ~=75.1.0 by @dependabot in #851
- Bump pyreadstat from 1.2.6 to 1.2.7 by @dependabot in #857
- Bump click from 8.1.3 to 8.1.7 by @dependabot in #859
- Bump psutil from 5.9.5 to 6.0.0 by @dependabot in #860
- Bump cdisc-library-client from 0.1.4 to 0.1.5 by @dependabot in #858
- Bump importlib-metadata from 5.0.0 to 8.5.0 by @dependabot in #864
- Bump business-rules-enhanced from 1.4.0 to 1.4.4 by @dependabot in #884
- Bump cachetools from 5.3.1 to 5.5.0 by @dependabot in #885
- Bump pyinstaller from 5.13.1 to 6.11.0 by @dependabot in #887
- Bump black from 24.3.0 to 24.10.0 by @dependabot in #928
- Bump pytest-cov from 3.0.0 to 6.0.0 by @dependabot in #927
- Bump openpyxl from 3.0.10 to 3.1.5 by @dependabot in #926
enhancements and bugs:
- fix get_model_filtered_variables operator, added shares_no_elements_with, shares_at_least_one_element_with, and shares_exactly_one_element_with operators by @SFJohnson24 in #843
- Update requests requirement from ~=2.28.1 to ~=2.32.3 by @dependabot in #865
- added comprehensive rule test suite workflow by @SFJohnson24 in #856
- bug: updated local rule parser to fix missing output variables by @SFJohnson24 in #866
- bug: added null filter for rule operators by @SFJohnson24 in #873
- bug: Fixes for dask skipped rules by @nhaydel in #867
- bug: fixed NaN issue with unique set by @SFJohnson24 in #875
- added Domain to prefix check by @SFJohnson24 in #876
- updated date handling by @SFJohnson24 in #874
- Add UNII Support by @nhaydel in #878
- removed PMDA from schema, updated reporting services by @SFJohnson24 in #882
- improved logger by @SFJohnson24 in #883
- invalid duration operation by @SFJohnson24 in #869
- updated codelist_term_map logic by @SFJohnson24 in #893
- updated business rules for PEP compliance by @SFJohnson24 in #903
- added codelist_extensible, codelist_terms, define_extensible_codelists operators by @SFJohnson24 in #898
- updated schema for TIG 1.0 by @SFJohnson24 in #919
- Add Support for SNOMED Dictionaries by @nhaydel in #918
- Enhancement: Controlled terminology packages derived from defineXML2.1 by @SFJohnson24 in #924
- further tig schema update by @SFJohnson24 in #942
- new operator is_consistent_across_study by @SFJohnson24 in #944
- New Ruletype: Variable Metadata with DefineXML and library metadata by @SFJohnson24 in #879
- TIG 1.0 Caching, Rule Editor functionality by @SFJohnson24 in #937
- updated cache and QA regression by @SFJohnson24 in #947
- update schema by @SFJohnson24 in #949
- further logging enhancements for the CLI by @SFJohnson24 in #955
Full Changelog: v0.8.1...v0.9.0
What's Changed
- Bug: Fix MEDRT install by @nhaydel in #838
- Bug: updated pyinstaller build command by @SFJohnson24 in #839
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.8.1
What's Changed
- Run CORE Validate on Local Unpublished rules by @SFJohnson24 in #674
- Utilize datasets abstraction by @nhaydel in #615
- Fix JSON reader to Parquet by @nhaydel in #701
- Optimized rule applies to class functionality for large datasets by @SFJohnson24 in #689
- Improved rule loading error logging by @SFJohnson24 in #697
- Allow ordering in empty_within_except_last_row by @gerrycampion in #703
- fix bug split dataset by @ab3263266 in #700
- Missing keys bug by @SFJohnson24 in #712
- Fix contained_by operator by @nhaydel in #717
- Fix list-ct command bug by @nhaydel in #716
- Add Sort_values operator by @nhaydel in #718
- Fix bug with not_exists operator by @ab3263266 in #714
- Add new argument to get_variables_metadata calls in dataset builders by @nhaydel in #727
- Large dataset optimization: estimate XML filesize without reading whole dataset by @SFJohnson24 in #719
- Fixed logging for validation command by @SFJohnson24 in #732
- Added None set to empty check and updated testing by @SFJohnson24 in #729
- Update by @SFJohnson24 in #724
- Updated target_is_not_sorted_by operator by @SFJohnson24 in #730
- Updated FDA schema by @SFJohnson24 in #734
- Further updates to FDA schema by @SFJohnson24 in #737
- Refactor for handling of XML supp domains by @SFJohnson24 in #722
- Handling of NaN in dataframes to prevent invalid JSON by @ASL-rmarshall in #713
- Updated Regression Tests by @RamilCDISC in #626
- FileNames operator by @SFJohnson24 in #751
- Improved error handling for incorrect rule sensitivity by @SFJohnson24 in #756
- added astype() operator by @SFJohnson24 in #753
- contains_special_topics operator fix by @SFJohnson24 in #770
- Added missing operator tests. by @nhaydel in #760
- Update defineXML metadata reader by @SFJohnson24 in #745
- Local Rules Cache Updater by @SFJohnson24 in #757
- Added defineXML version check for CLI by @SFJohnson24 in #772
- updated JSON and Excel reports by @SFJohnson24 in #771
- Updated by @SFJohnson24 in #774
- Updated Regex to schema by @SFJohnson24 in #783
- Added invalid_duration operator by @SFJohnson24 in #777
- Update release.yml by @gerrycampion in #785
- update exist operator by @SFJohnson24 in #782
- Updated ContentsDefineDatasetBuilder by @SFJohnson24 in #790
- Add loinc support by @nhaydel in #786
- Update by @SFJohnson24 in #800
- Added External dictionary version validation by @nhaydel in #813
- fixed keyword_arguments bug by @SFJohnson24 in #814
- Update for powershell users by @SFJohnson24 in #822
- Updated test and validate CLI command environments to prevent discrepancies @SFJohnson24 in #815
- Added min(), reset_index to custom dataset classes by @SFJohnson24 in #817
- Updated has_next_corresponding_record operator by @SFJohnson24 in #818
- Added dateset_name argument by @SFJohnson24 in #819
- Update by @SFJohnson24 in #829
- Added dockerfile for CORE engine container by @SFJohnson24 in #823
- target_is_sorted_by handle partial dates functionality by @SFJohnson24 in #830
- Med-RT validation support by @nhaydel in #832
- Updated gitaction CI/CD pipelines by @SFJohnson24 in #833
- Added inconsistent_enumerated_columns operator by @SFJohnson24 in #834
- Added negative duration variable for invalid_duration by @SFJohnson24 in #836
Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.8.0
Dataset json requires the schema resource in the release build.
What's Changed
- Bug: added resource/schema to pyinstaller for release by @SFJohnson24 in #677
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1
What's Changed
- USDM support
- Schema updates
- Dataset-JSON support
- Additional rule support and bugfixes
- Updated rules and library cache
- Schema updates for DDF by @gerrycampion in #575
- Dataset json by @dostiep in #540
- Update Organization_CDISC.json by @apalmercdisc in #588
- Update requirements.txt for Business Rules by @dostiep in #606
- CORERULES-1334 / CG0202: scope skip for RELATIONSHIP #576 by @dostiep in #605
- 35 support usdm data source in engine by @gerrycampion in #614
- Support non-matching Key values and Join Type in Match Datasets by @ASL-rmarshall in #621
- Bug fix 554 by @ab3263266 in #636
- fix missing merge keys bug by @ab3263266 in #630
- Split linux release into ubuntu latest and 20 by @gerrycampion in #624
- Iss 620 operator data match by @SFJohnson24 in #640
- fixed optional schema bug by @gerrycampion in #656
- Filter fix by @SFJohnson24 in #659
- actions for update cache and update version by @gerrycampion in #664
- 643 663 prerelease actions by @gerrycampion in #665
- fix attempts by @gerrycampion in #667
- 643 663 prerelease test by @gerrycampion in #668
- 643 663 prerelease test by @gerrycampion in #669
- 643 663 prerelease test by @gerrycampion in #670
- 35 support usdm data source in engine - additional changes to support cli by @ASL-rmarshall in #631
- Added datasetjson datatypes by @gerrycampion in #622
- FDA, Adam, USDM schema updates by @gerrycampion in #660
- Prerelease Cache and Version updates by @gerrycampion in #671
New Contributors
- @apalmercdisc made their first contribution in #588
- @ASL-rmarshall made their first contribution in #621
- @ab3263266 made their first contribution in #636
- @SFJohnson24 made their first contribution in #640
Full Changelog: v0.6.3...v0.7.0
Ubuntu 20.04 Release
Release that splits linux into ubuntu-latest and ubuntu 20.04
What's Changed
- Schema updates for DDF by @gerrycampion in #575
- Dataset json by @dostiep in #540
- Update Organization_CDISC.json by @apalmercdisc in #588
- Update requirements.txt for Business Rules by @dostiep in #606
- CORERULES-1334 / CG0202: scope skip for RELATIONSHIP #576 by @dostiep in #605
New Contributors
- @apalmercdisc made their first contribution in #588
Full Changelog: v0.6.3...v0.6.4
What's Changed
- ISS-271: Compare variable value length with vlm metadata by @nhaydel in #451
- breakout metavars and sensitivity for author docs by @gerrycampion in #456
- ISS-427: Engine detect include special purpose by @nhaydel in #458
- ISS-418: use define namespace to determine define version by @nhaydel in #462
- ISS-463: Allow dummy data service to get standard and standard_version by @nhaydel in #464
- ISS-459: Fix issues reading define 2.0 domain metadata by @nhaydel in #470
- Iss 329 rule blocked corerules 286 by @htu in #437
- Fixed schema branch merge by @gerrycampion in #472
- Add extra check for all keyword when determining rule applies to class by @nhaydel in #477
- Iss 252 as validator i want to cross check my study data against the study definexml for missing datasets so that i can stay compliant with sd1063 by @htu in #449
- ISS-320: Handle missing variable metadata in test endpoint. by @nhaydel in #474
- Iss 256 as validator i want to cross check my study data against the study definexml for null values in variables that are mandatory so that i can stay compliant with sd1229 by @htu in #465
- ISS-479: get dataset class handle dotted version by @nhaydel in #480
- Update business rules, fix standard bug for DataServiceFactory by @nhaydel in #482
- 382 add define-xml-path by @mdeforestbrown in #441
- Fix small issues with define.xml flag by @nhaydel in #494
- ISS-448: Add new rule type to support CG0014 by @nhaydel in #500
- ISS-261: Add valid_external_dictionary_value operation by @nhaydel in #508
- ISS-257: Add define_variable_has_comment attribute to support comment existence check by @nhaydel in #519
- ISS-511: Update in memory cache to use LRU cache by @nhaydel in #525
- Make python 3.9 min required by @gerrycampion in #534
- Add and update regression tests by @RamilCDISC in #496
- Relrec merging by @gerrycampion in #543
- Iss 295 validator crash when def structure not present by @RamilCDISC in #544
- Fixes Windows Folder issue by @dostiep in #562
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.6.2...v0.6.3
What's Changed
- Define Cross Check - HasNoData and VariableIsNull by @nhaydel in #399
- Support CG0312 by @gerrycampion in #402
- Add name and label referenced variable metadata operations by @nhaydel in #406
- Added support for define xml 2.0 by @gerrycampion in #405
- Add list-ct command by @nhaydel in #407
- ISS-335: move rule schema from rules editor to core rules engine repo by @gerrycampion in #409
- ISS 265: Added define_order_number functionality by @gerrycampion in #410
- Use evaluation dataset instead of params dataframe by @nhaydel in #416
- Add operation to get variable's codelist from define by @nhaydel in #413
- ISS 273: Crosscheck values against Define XML Codelists by @gerrycampion in #423
- Qa regression tests and issue383 by @RamilCDISC in #404
- ISS-422: Ensure output variables are json serializable by @nhaydel in #431
- Add original target param for study wide operations by @nhaydel in #429
- Added library_model_variables_filter by @htu in #415
- Update business-rules package to 1.3.5 by @mdeforestbrown in #435
- ISS 274 - New rule type Value Check against Define XML VLM by @gerrycampion in #436
- Add function to get ordered key variables for dataset by @nhaydel in #438
- Add new keys to perform_rule_operations and fix regression tests by @nhaydel in #442
- Populate "Dataset Details" tab in excel export by @nhaydel in #445
- Cg0014 fixes by @nhaydel in #446
- Schema documentation and intellisense by @gerrycampion in #447
- Q2 release version update by @nhaydel in #452
New Contributors
- @RamilCDISC made their first contribution in #404
- @htu made their first contribution in #415
- @mdeforestbrown made their first contribution in #435
Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.6.2