LibSWD 0.4 is out, bugfix and functional verification release that includes:
- Implemented necessary data phase on ACK={WAIT,FAULT} reply from Target.
- Unknown ACK response and Protocol Error Sequence detection.
- swd_cmd_t was added *errors to hold queue for error handling in ACK element.
- automatic error handling on queue was not included in this release yet.
- fixed swd_cmdq_free_tail()
- swd_cmdq_flush() updates swdctx->cmdq upon execution.
- swd_drv_transmit() updates swdctx->log values only on successful transmit.
- DP and AP operations including MEM-AP now works.
- OpenOCD integration is almost done, flashing works (1938B/18.6s with FT2232).
- By the way, I express my admiration to Felix Baumgartner and the whole Redbull STRATOS team for their pioneer achievments and today aerospace/skydive records!! :-)