- Noah Gardner - [email protected]
- Celebi Law - [email protected]
- Matthew Workman - [email protected]
- Joel Hernandez - [email protected]
- Marisa Duran - [email protected]
- Discussion 1D - Dennis van Ee
- Run
git clone https://github.com/celebilaw/eggstagram.git
in the desired folder - Navigate into the folder
via the following command
cd eggstagram/eggstagram
- Run
npm install
- Run
npm install -g nodemon
- Navigate into the folder
via the following command
cd backend
- Run
nodemon server
- Create a new terminal window
- Navigate into the folder
cd eggstagram/eggstagram
- Run
npm start
- Eggstagram will open in a new browser at http://localhost:3000
- Start interacting with our website!
- Post
- Like
- Comment
- Edit Your Posts
- Delete Your Posts
Your login will time out in 1 hour
- Click "Eggstagram" (or the logo) in the top left of the website to return to the Home Page
- Click "Posts" in the top right to see the Post Feed
- Click "Make a Post!" in the top right to make your own post
- Click "Create an Account" in the top right to make your own account
- Click "Login" in the top right to sign in to your account
- Click "Logout" in the top right to sign out of your account
- Clicking on a post in the feed will allow you to view the post itself (likes and comments)
- From here, if logged in, you can submit your own comments and like a post
- If you made the post, you can edit the description or delete it (you may have to scroll down to see the area to Edit)
- Click "Posts" (in the top right) to return to the feed
- Posts can be filtered by description, dining hall, or rating
- Typing in a description will open a dropdown of individual posts for you to select and consequently view
- Clicking the "X" in the search bar for descriptions will remove what you have typed if you decide to not search for a post
- Selecting a Dining Hall from the dropdown will change the feed to only show reviews pertaining to that Dining Hall
- Selecting "Show All" in the dropdown will remove the Dining Hall Filter you previously selected
- Selecting a Star Rating will change the feed to only show reviews of that Star Rating
- Selecting the same Star Rating you previously selected will undo the Star Rating Filter (ex: clicking the 4th star after filtering to 4 Star Ratings)
- In the
nodemon server
terminal window, input the commandCtrl - C
to shut down the backend - In the
npm start
terminal window, input the commandCtrl - C
to shut down the frontend