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AndyClifford committed Feb 21, 2024
1 parent 216a6f1 commit 9174754
Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions guides/integrating-third-party-asset/index.html
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</script><main class="flex flex-col min-h-full w-full pt-16 md:pl-64 xl:pl-80"><div class="flex items-center max-h-72 overflow-hidden"><img src="/default-cover.svg" aria-hidden="true" class="object-cover m-0 w-full h-24 md:h-full"></div><div class="relative mx-auto desktop-gutters flex justify-center"><div class="min-w-0 max-w-2xl flex-auto px-8 pb-16 pt-8 xl:pt-16 lg:max-w-none"><article><header class="mb-9 space-y-1"><p class="type-overline text-content-primary">
</p><h1 class="font-display text-3xl tracking-tight text-slate-900">Third-party Asset</h1></header><astro-island uid="1CyIFV" component-url="/_astro/Prose.8cdff347.js" component-export="default" renderer-url="/_astro/client.e0200ae5.js" props="{}" ssr="" client="load" opts="{&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Prose&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:true}" await-children=""><div class="prose prose-slate max-w-none prose-headings:font-display prose-headings:font-normal prose-h2:scroll-mt-16 prose-h2:mt-8 prose-h2:pt-8 prose-h2:border-t prose-h3:scroll-mt-20 prose-h4:scroll-mt-20 prose-lead:text-slate-500 prose-a:no-underline prose-a:text-content-primary hover:prose-a:no-underline prose-img:mb-8 prose-img:mx-auto prose-img:object-contain"><!--[--><astro-slot><p>By integrating with Centrapay as a third-party asset provider, you can take advantage of our connections with terminals, point-of-sale systems, and merchant networks, thereby expanding the reach of your digital asset to a wider audience.</p>
</p><h1 class="font-display text-3xl tracking-tight text-slate-900">Third-party Asset</h1></header><astro-island uid="lU8C" component-url="/_astro/Prose.8cdff347.js" component-export="default" renderer-url="/_astro/client.e0200ae5.js" props="{}" ssr="" client="load" opts="{&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Prose&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:true}" await-children=""><div class="prose prose-slate max-w-none prose-headings:font-display prose-headings:font-normal prose-h2:scroll-mt-16 prose-h2:mt-8 prose-h2:pt-8 prose-h2:border-t prose-h3:scroll-mt-20 prose-h4:scroll-mt-20 prose-lead:text-slate-500 prose-a:no-underline prose-a:text-content-primary hover:prose-a:no-underline prose-img:mb-8 prose-img:mx-auto prose-img:object-contain"><!--[--><astro-slot><p>By integrating with Centrapay as a third-party asset provider, you can take advantage of our connections with terminals, point-of-sale systems, and merchant networks, thereby expanding the reach of your digital asset to a wider audience.</p>
<p>Once you have defined your asset as a <a href="#defining-a-payment-method" target="_self" class="group inline-flex justify-center items-center text-interactive-secondary hover:text-interactive-secondary-hover"><span class="underline"><!--[-->Payment Method<!--]--></span><!----><!----></a> with Centrapay and implemented the required <a href="#uplink-api-spec" target="_self" class="group inline-flex justify-center items-center text-interactive-secondary hover:text-interactive-secondary-hover"><span class="underline"><!--[-->Uplink APIs<!--]--></span><!----><!----></a>, consumers will be able to spend your digital asset using one of our payment flows wherever merchants accept your digital asset.</p>
<section class="heading" data-heading-rank="2"><a href="#defining-a-payment-method" class="group flex items-center relative"><svg width="16" height="16" viewbox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" xmlns="" class="w-4 h-4 mr-2 mt-10 absolute right-full opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M4.5 5.75C3.90326 5.75 3.33097 5.98705 2.90901 6.40901C2.48705 6.83097 2.25 7.40326 2.25 8C2.25 8.59674 2.48705 9.16903 2.90901 9.59099C3.33097 10.0129 3.90326 10.25 4.5 10.25H6.27063C6.68484 10.25 7.02063 10.5858 7.02063 11C7.02063 11.4142 6.68484 11.75 6.27063 11.75H4.5C3.50544 11.75 2.55161 11.3549 1.84835 10.6517C1.14509 9.94839 0.75 8.99456 0.75 8C0.75 7.00544 1.14509 6.05161 1.84835 5.34835C2.55161 4.64509 3.50544 4.25 4.5 4.25H6.23156C6.64578 4.25 6.98156 4.58579 6.98156 5C6.98156 5.41421 6.64578 5.75 6.23156 5.75H4.5Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.01855 5C9.01855 4.58579 9.35434 4.25 9.76855 4.25H11.5001C12.4947 4.25 13.4485 4.64509 14.1518 5.34835C14.855 6.05161 15.2501 7.00544 15.2501 8C15.2501 8.99456 14.855 9.94839 14.1518 10.6517C13.4485 11.3549 12.4947 11.75 11.5001 11.75H9.72949C9.31528 11.75 8.97949 11.4142 8.97949 11C8.97949 10.5858 9.31528 10.25 9.72949 10.25H11.5001C12.0969 10.25 12.6692 10.0129 13.0911 9.59099C13.5131 9.16903 13.7501 8.59674 13.7501 8C13.7501 7.40326 13.5131 6.83097 13.0911 6.40901C12.6692 5.98705 12.0969 5.75 11.5001 5.75H9.76855C9.35434 5.75 9.01855 5.41421 9.01855 5Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M4.53345 8C4.53345 7.58579 4.86923 7.25 5.28345 7.25H10.7791C11.1933 7.25 11.5291 7.58579 11.5291 8C11.5291 8.41421 11.1933 8.75 10.7791 8.75H5.28345C4.86923 8.75 4.53345 8.41421 4.53345 8Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg><h2 id="defining-a-payment-method" class="w-full">Defining a Payment Method</h2></a>
<p>We require a way of identifying your asset in order to route payments to the correct asset provider. You must define a payment method namespace, description, and list of supported currencies.</p>
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<p>Use the decoded JWT fields to validate the following:</p>
<p>Exp is provided as a default expiry. Alternatively, use iat + your own expiry window to determine if the JWT has expired.</p>
<p>Assert that the audience is correct by checking that aud is equal to the base URL of your Uplink API.</p>
<p>The request_body_sha256 property should be used to verify that the request payload has not been tampered with. This should be done by hashing the received request payload using the SHA256 algorithm and checking for equality with request_body_sha256 as shown below.</p>
<p>The request_body_sha256 property should be used to verify that the request payload has not been tampered with. This should be done by hashing the received request payload using the SHA256 algorithm and checking for equality with request_body_sha256 as shown below. If the request does not have a payload then the request_body_sha256 field will not be present in the decoded JWT.</p>
<div data-code-block class="flex flex-col mb-8"><div class="flex w-full rounded-t-3xl rounded-b-none border-b border-outline-inverse-opaque bg-surface-inverse-secondary shadow-sm p-4"><span class="truncate type-subtitle-2 text-sm text-content-inverse-primary">Example</span></div><div data-code class="max-h-96 overflow-y-auto"><pre is:raw="" class="astro-code material-theme-darker" style="background-color:#212121;overflow-x:auto" tabindex="0"><code><span class="line"><span style="color:#C792EA">const</span><span style="color:#EEFFFF"> crypto </span><span style="color:#89DDFF">=</span><span style="color:#EEFFFF"> </span><span style="color:#82AAFF">require</span><span style="color:#EEFFFF">(</span><span style="color:#89DDFF">&quot;</span><span style="color:#C3E88D">crypto</span><span style="color:#89DDFF">&quot;</span><span style="color:#EEFFFF">)</span><span style="color:#89DDFF">;</span></span>
<span class="line"></span>
<span class="line"><span style="color:#C792EA">const</span><span style="color:#EEFFFF"> decodedJwt </span><span style="color:#89DDFF">=</span><span style="color:#EEFFFF"> </span><span style="color:#89DDFF">{</span></span>
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