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Cristian E. Nuno edited this page Sep 10, 2017 · 1 revision

CPS Locator: making it easier to find the right Chicago Public School for you.

CPS Locator Home Tab

CPS Locator Downloads Tab

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Locator is a web-based Shiny app that empowers users to interact firsthand with CPS school year 2016-2017 data.

Run App from RStudio/R Console

Copy and paste the following R commands to run the app locally on your machine:

# Install necessary packages
install.packages( c("shiny", "DT", "shinydashboard", "dplyr"
                     , "magrittr", "htmltools", "htmlwidgets"
                     , "sp", "splancs", "stringr", "rgeos" 
                     , "devtools", "bitops", "RCurl", "rgdal"
                     ) )
# install `leaflet` package from source
# for more info, click here:
devtools::install_github( "rstudio/leaflet" )

# Load necessary packages
library( shiny )

# Run shiny app from your R/RStudio Console
shiny::runUrl( url = ""
                , subdir = "cps_locator"

Next Steps

Please check out the CPS Locator Version 3.0 Projects Board to get an update on the tasks remaining for this project.