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COVERAGE Visualization Generation Pipeline

The COVERAGE Visualization Generation Pipeline (coverage-vizgen) is a software package containing a comprehensive set of utility tools for generating tiled map imagery in the Meta Raster Format (MRF) from NetCDF data files. It is packaged as a Docker container that may be configured to automatically produce imagery from a forward data stream of NetCDF files. This software was developed for the CEOS Ocean Variables Enabling Research and Applications for GEO (COVERAGE) initiative.


The included tools are:

  • - Checks for new input files and kicks off vizgen when found
  • - Reads NetCDF files and generates MRF visualizations based on dataset configuration
  • - Generates txt and xml colormaps from common Matplotlib colormaps
  • - Removes NetCDF files that have already been processed

The following are additional utilities:

  • - Generates txt, xml, sld, and css colormaps from an input csv containing color bins
  • - Generates an empty (nodata) tile for use by OnEarth

Quick Start


  • Execute from the root directory to build the coverage-vizgen Docker image. The version number is sourced from the file.


  1. Create a vizgen home directory on your local computer, e.g., /home/vizgen.

  2. The following directories must be created and exist in the vizgen home directory:

    • colormaps/ - Directory containing txt and xml colormaps used for MRF generation
    • configs/ - Directory containing vizgen YAML configuration cifles
    • data/ - Location of input NetCDF files
    • empty_tiles/ - Directory containing empty tiles used for MRF generation
    • output/ - Location of output MRF files
    • working/ - Directory used to store working temp files
    • idx/ - Optional directory for MRF index files that are ready by OnEarth (may be configured as an external directory)
  3. Optional file can be placed in the vizgen home directory to configure cron jobs for automated ingestion (see docker/ for an example).

  4. Execute from the vizgen home directory (the docker run command may be customized as necessary).


  1. Run docker exec to access container: docker exec -it coverage-vizgen /bin/bash
  2. Generate txt and xml colormaps for the dataset by running the tool: -c jet --min 0 --max 20 -o SAMPLE_DATA_var
  3. Generate empty tiles for the dataset by running the oe_generate_empty_tile tool: ./ -c SAMPLE_DATA_var.xml -o ../empty_tiles/SAMPLE_DATA_var.png
  4. Run on a dataset of NetCDF files to produce MRFs: --config configs/SAMPLE_CONFIG.yaml -i data/SAMPLE_DATA/
  5. An associated .skip file is placed next to input files that have been processed. The tool can be run on the input directory to clean up all processed files (note this will delete the NetCDF input files).


coverage-vizgen uses a YAML dataset configuration file to specify settings for producing MRF files from NetCDF input. This configuration file consists of the following parameters:

  • layer_prefix - The prefix for the layer identifier
  • projection - The EPSG map projection code (default EPSG:4326)
  • tilematrixset - WMTS tilematrixset (commonly used by OnEarth)
  • colormap_prefix - Common prefix used by the txt and xml colormaps
  • vars - List of variables to produce MRF image layers (1 MRF per variable)
  • working_dir - Directory used to store working temp files
  • output_dir - Location of output MRF files
  • nodata - Nodata value used by the NetCDF input dataset
  • extents - Geospatial bounds of the dataset
  • empty_tile or empty_tile_prefix - Empty tile location used for MRF generation (use empty_tile_prefix when there are multiple empty tiles for multiple variables)
  • mrf_suffix - The suffix or timestring format used by MRF files
  • date_match - The timestring format found in NetCDF file names
  • dimensions - Used to specify dimension variable names for non-standard NetCDF files
  • s_srs - Source SRS projection if data must be reprojected
  • t_srs - Destination SRS projection if data must be reprojected
  • time_bands - A list of time steps to process if the input NetCDF file contains multiple time steps
  • s3_prefix - S3 URI to upload MRFs to (if specified)
  • idx_dir - OnEarth idx directory to move MRF idx files to (if specified)
  • is360 - Convert dataset from 0-360 bounds to -180 - 180 if true
  • center_long - The center longitude when converting from 0-360 (default: 0)
  • speed_vars - List of u and v variables to use for converting to speed

Example Configurations

layer_prefix: "GHRSST-UKMO_L4_SST-GMPE_v3.0"
projection: "EPSG:4326"
tilematrixset: "16km"
colormap_prefix: "/vizgen/colormaps/GHRSST-UKMO_L4_SST-GMPE_v3.0"
  - "analysed_sst"
working_dir: "/vizgen/working/"
output_dir: "/vizgen/output/EPSG4326/"
extents: "-180,-90,180,90"
empty_tile: "/vizgen/empty_tiles/GHRSST-UKMO_L4_SST-GMPE_v3.0.png"
mrf_suffix: "%Y%j_.mrf"
date_match: "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
layer_prefix: "RSS_CCMP_WINDS_V2.1"
projection: "EPSG:4326"
tilematrixset: "16km"
colormap_prefix: "/vizgen/colormaps/RSS_CCMP_WINDS_V2.1"
  - "uwnd"
  - "vwnd"
  - "uwnd"
  - "vwnd"
is360: true
nodata: -9999
working_dir: "/vizgen/working/"
output_dir: "/vizgen/output/EPSG4326/"
extents: "0,-78.375, 360, 78.375"
empty_tile_prefix: "/vizgen/empty_tiles/RSS_CCMP_WINDS_V2.1"
mrf_suffix: "-%Y%j%H%M%S.mrf"
date_match: "%Y%m%d"
  - "time"
  - "latitude"
  - "longitude"

Automated Ingest

Modify the file in the vizgen home directory to configure cron jobs for automated ingestion (see docker/ for an example). Add and modify the following line to for each dataset that should be automatically ingested:

/usr/local/bin/ --config /vizgen/configs/config.yaml -i /vizgen/data/layername/ >> /vizgen/logs/layername.log 2>&1

The crontab is configured to run daily at midnight local time, but may be modified as necessary.

The following lines may be added to to ensure file cleanup:

rm -rf /vizgen/working/*

/usr/local/bin/ --input_dir /vizgen/data/ >> /vizgen/logs/vizclean.log 2>&1