Distributed Monitor is a tool which makes it possible to execute atomic tasks in a distributed system while keeping a synchronized state shared between all working processes. This implementation uses Suzuki-Kasami Algorithm to achieve mutual exclusion and extends it to share some kind of state.
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interface SerializableState {
fun serialize(): ByteArray
fun deserialize(data: ByteArray)
class SomeState : SerializableState {
override fun serialize(): ByteArray {
// Convert state to ByteArray
override fun deserialize(data: ByteArray) {
// Reconstruct state from ByteArray
val monitor = DistributedMonitor(
::SomeState, // Constructor of class which implements SerializableState interface
index = 0, // This process's index
addresses = listOf("localhost:8001", "localhost:8002", "localhost:8003") // Adresses of all processes which will work together
monitor.execute({ /* Condition */ }) {
// Code to be executed inside critical section
First parameter passed to "execute" is a predicate which monitor uses to determine whether given state is processable. If it can be processed then task is executed. If not then token is given up and requested again.
You can think of "monitor.execute { ... }" as a distributed version of "synchronized { ... }".
Additionally, "monitor.execute" brings given state class into scope.
It is important to call this function after finishing. Thanks to this monitor will be able to send the token to some process which requested it. This assumes that some other process will request token in at most 2000ms after this process finishes work. If 2000ms is not enough, pass a different "finishTimeout" to monitor's constructor.
Remember to start all processes in at most 5000ms after starting the first process or else monitor won't work. If 5000ms is not enough, pass a different "startDelay" to monitor's constructor.
Program listed below is the classic Producer/Consumer problem in which one process creates resources and other consumes them.
class IntList : SerializableState {
val values = mutableListOf<Int>()
override fun serialize(): ByteArray {
return values.toList().toByteArray()
override fun deserialize(data: ByteArray) {
val newValues = data.toList()
"toByteArray" and "toList" used above are implemented be me in Utils.kt.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val monitor = DistributedMonitor(
index = 0,
addresses = listOf("localhost:8001", "localhost:8002")
(1..100).forEach {
monitor.execute({ values.size < 5 }) {
println("Sent $it")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val monitor = DistributedMonitor(
index = 1,
addresses = listOf("localhost:8001", "localhost:8002")
var sum = 0
repeat(100) {
monitor.execute({ values.isNotEmpty() }) {
val receivedValue = values.removeFirst()
sum += receivedValue
println("Received $receivedValue")
println("Sum: $sum")
To run the example program open the project in Intellij IDEA, build all artifacts and run them (eg. each jar in a separate terminal).
4 bytes | 4 bytes | 4 bytes |
Type = 0 (Broadcast) | Sender's process number | Sender's RN |
4 bytes | 4 bytes | n bytes | m bytes | k bytes |
Type = Recepient's proces number | Queue size | Queue | LN | Serialized state |
Because process numbers start from 1 it is easy to tell which type of message just arrived. Queue can have different size each time so:
n = queue_size * 4
LN's size is based on the number of used processes so:
m = number_of_processes * 4
Remaining k bytes store serialized state. If this explanation is not enough check Token.kt.